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Second date


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I got chatting to a guy online and we met up for a date a week last saturday (9 days ago). 4 days after the date I went away for 4 days and got home yesterday. He text me everyday I was away and in fact think he has text everyday since the date apart from one but there is no mention of a 2nd date yet. I have told him what a good time I had and casually said we would have to do something again soon but nothing has come of it.


I am kind of old fashioned in the dating game and would prefer for the guy to do the asking for the first few dates and also there is the thing of "if he is not asking you on a date he's just not that into you" but what should I do? Should I bring it up or just wait longer and carry on making chit chat over text?? Why would he text so much but not ask to see me again?

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I think you should wait a few more days, and if he doesn't say anything, you should just ask him.


You're old-fashioned, that's cool. But if this guy is dragging his feet, the only way to find out if he's really interested without wasting your time is to just go for it. This might not be your usual way of going about things, but come on! You're confused enough about this to post it on here, so obviously it's a significant concern. The fastest way to end your worries is to ask and get an answer. Boom. You'll either have a second date, or you'll know that he's not feeling it.

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So I asked him, he said he would love to see me again but just been really busy this week with work and then he is travelling back home to see his family on the weekend but hopfully we can do something soon. I know he has been working until about 10pm quite a few evenings this week, he is trying to get his own business going, as well as having a full time regular job.


I said that was fine and we would do something when we both had a bit more free time. He agreed and said so long as you dont think im trying not to see you.


So he probably thinks im all clingy now or whatever but im glad I asked cos otherwise it would have been next week sometime before we even thought about going out and i would have really been wondering what was going on by then!!! So ball is definitely in his court now.

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