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Who else is fed up with being unhappy?


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I'm tired. I'm actually burnt out of being unhappy. I am sick of it. Everything seems to stay the same. It seems that the more I try to change things the more everything just seems to stay the same. I'm so tired of it. I'm sick of feeling it, thinking it, talking about it, living it. I am not depressed, not need happy pills. I just need something or someone good to walk into my life for once and save me. My whole life has been filled with bad luck for some reason, I do not know why. I feel if you look up unlucky in the dictionary you will see a picture of me. Does someone have something against me? I am cursed and I do not know why. I am a good person.

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There are so so many people on this site that are unhappy. It's why so many people keep coming back and it's why people help. I am unhappy too. I regret some decisions I've made, though I can't change the past. Everyday, I wish I could. I'm not headed where I want to be headed and I'm also depressed. So, yes, this needs to end but it seems there's no end in sight. I guess we just have to push through and try and be the change in our lives that will bring about the happiness we seek and hopefully we'll get there some way or another.

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oh! when it gets really bad, i would want to just die, sleep and never to wake up.


I have these thoughts as well. Sometimes things aren't just the way you dreamt them to be when you were a kid and nothing ever seems to be working out. Not sure what keeps me going (even though I'm barely doing anything).

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So what do you do when you're unhappy all the time? When you're trapped in circumstances beyond your control? When you're inability to be happy hurts someone you love? I'm tired, I'm tired of being a statistic as one of the unhappy masses...Its not even original. So frustrated and hopeless

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So what do you do when you're unhappy all the time? When you're trapped in circumstances beyond your control? When you're inability to be happy hurts someone you love? I'm tired, I'm tired of being a statistic as one of the unhappy masses...Its not even original. So frustrated and hopeless


You do nothing, you sit and wonder why. You try new things in hopes something will change. You do things that you know are unhealthy because you start to not care anymore. You compensate. You feel UNHAPPIER because you KNOW you are hurting people you love and people that love you but you do not know how to stop it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I too have felt this way for quite some time now. I wish SOOOO much that i could just turn all my emotions off for one whole day...the good and the bad...I would probably get so much done that I would probably be able to get my life back on track after that...but alas...this isnt to be...

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*raises hand* I'm a miserable unhappy person day in day out. I barley have any moments were i'm happy, normally i'm at home with my thoughts and just thinking of negative things, life, choices, and myself body and emotion wise.


- Always worried, nervous..I take the smallest things over the top

- 21 never had a GF still a Virgin

- Very hairy and thining

- Odd body big legs, small hands, and my teeth are yellowish and i floss, brush, see the dentist looked into teeth whitening products etc.

- Going no were with my life

- Basically living off of my folks

- Cant seem to do anything on my own

- Not very social barley have friends

- Always thinking of the worst

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I'm unhappy as well. I have been my whole life. I recently was happy but that has ended in a horrible way for me. I try to look back on those three months of happiness and say to myself "see life wasn't all bad" but I don't know. Whoever said its better to have loved and loss than never to have loved at all, is kidding themselves, though maybe...


the only relief i get throughout the day is fantasizing about just walking into the desert, and finding a comfortable spot to sit and having the will power to just turn off my body and life. I don't want people to see me, nor do I want to make people feel guilty for me wanting to die....this fantasy is the only thing that makes me feel good

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