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Hello All,

For the story of me and my ex go here link removed


First of all thank you all for the advice and help it has helped me a lot with my break up, I'm glad I found this site..


I went to town on Saturday night with my brother and a few friends, and saw my Ex Girlfriend there, she was at the bar getting a drink the same time I was. All I said to her was How Are you, and she replied I'm doing good. That's all that was said the whole night I was just playing it cool. So I got my drink and walked away. I noticed her looking really awkward and uncomfortable and didn't know where to look. She must of thought I was gonna go up to her and talk about our relationship or try to get close to her.. But I didn't! it was hard just to ignore the girl I love and want back. But I just put on a happy face and having a good laugh with my brother and friends. I did a lot of begging and crying for her to get back with me after the break up, so I think it would came to a shock to her and made her think why I ignored her. After awhile my ex left the club to uncomfortable I guess I meet up with a old friend of mine (me and her used to be quiet close when we were younger) we were hitting it of and getting really close, and my ex came back to the same club I was at and saw me close to this girl, and stayed for 1 minute and left again. You could tell she didn't like it, but if she can jump straight into another relationship so quick and not feel bad about it, I sure as hell didn't feel bad about getting close to another girl right in front of her! So I'm proud of my self that I completely ignored her, and showed her I can have a good time to. If I didn't find this site I probably would if done the complete opposite and went up to her. So what you guys think of this, maybe she is jealous? I don't know. She hurt me so much, I would like to see her in a bit of pain for once. I still love her and hurting. And would love her back in my arms, but I just have to move on….

Just wanted to let you guys know my little story and to tell you that No Contact really makes things a lot better ..cya

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First off I think you handled the exGF situation perfectly by treating her as an acquaintance, and nothing more. It's kind of funny that after a break up, we initially try harder to see if it could work, when the thing we SHOULD have done to get results would have been to say, "ok...it's was fun, see you around". Attraction works the same as children. You put a candy on the table and tell a child they can't have it...'n what happens?? 8)


At any rate, I was going to ask, why the childish games? You need to move on and do things for yourself, not to gain some sort of vindication from a past relationship...that is childish! You should be doing what you're doing because it's what you want to do, not because you hope to gain the attention of an ex...!!!!

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