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I was just wondering if any of ye ever used the last resort of getting a "lovespell" .


I would never do it myself as it is supposed to be manipulating.. But say if you wanted to get back with your ex and you know that they want to get back with you but for some reason they dont, maybe they are stubborn or dont want to look foolish by giving you a 2nd chance..

But would you get a lovespell done? All it is is a witch / psychic casting a spell. It makes your ex think of you and all the good times ye had together and would only give good thoughts about you...It is supposed to work.. 83% success rate.. I wouldnt do it myself..I want my ex back but I only want her back provided that she WANTS to come back not that she is TRICKED back into coming back.. Some of these spells are expensive - some are cheap.. they dont work overnight but can take days ,weeks or even months...

Just wondering what ye think of getting a lovespell done.. I dont believe in it myself.. Just wondering yer thoughts if ye really wanted an ex back ..has anyone got 1 done or do they work? or is it all a scam?


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A housemate of mine had a charm placed to help her attract men. She went to see a woman she had heard about who was supposedly good (don't know how she came accross her.... probably charmed her way in hahaha.. anyway..) She bought a bracelet and the woman placed a charm on it, in one of the ancient languages. Each time her bracelet rattled, it was supposed to draw in the attention of whichever man was there. I'm not in contact with her so I don't know how successful it was for her.


I don't approve of using black magic. It may or may not work but it's one of those things I'd rather leave alone, don't need to or want to know anything about it. You're right, it feels manipulative to use one. Best if whoever you want back comes back willingly, I mean knowingly willingly.


I never told my housemate that I disapproved. Never know one day if those sounds at night are not from my wind chimes.

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Love charms do not work. They are a way of making money out of the emotional plight of others by opportunists working off the superstitious nature of their victims.


They are a money making scam. No more, no less.


As for the spells of old wise women, who perform such spells for free. If they did work, it would be a selfish act, two people should want to get back together and when one forces and manipulates the other, it simply will never ever be the same again for you will always know you had to resort to manipulation to get them to come back when it should be by free will.

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yea but i never have the right stuff to make one lol..i always got the candles but not the light..the pen but not the paper..lol but i dont really nemore b/c i believe if its meant to be God will make it happened..u wont need to push urself like that..but yea thats my opinon

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I wouldn't do anything like that.


If it was to work it just wouldn't feel like they were there because they want to be, you would probably just end up feeling guilty.


If it didn't work then you have just thrown away good money.



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hey ok i respectfully disagry with spartan1. you can do black magic your self. its cheap and from my expierience it works. i wouldnt mess with black magic if i were u cuz u dont sound ready to deal with the consequences. my philosophy on the dark arts is that when you practice dark magic it is a direct challenge to larger darker forces and u must believ e whole heartedly in the power of your dark magic because it is the only defense you have from the unknown. i wouldnt reccomend the lovespell because any one into the occult like my self can easily reverse it. good luck and re reading what i just wrote i think i understand why ppl call me a goth.



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Did anyone in the UK see Derren Brown's Seance last night? What was in the show was quite occult, it involved a Ouija board and a seance and apparently people at home were affected by it.


In the end it turned out that the person they were contacting wasn't dead but during the seance they were able to get quite a lot of info about the person and i dont know how they could of got that. Derren Brown is a psycological illusionist but the show seemed very convincing.


Did anyone else see the show, what were your opinions?



p.s. sorry to go a bit off course here.

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I tend to believe in all this sort of thing...a skeptical believer mind you...What I do believe in is God and the power of prayer...I would hate to tried to do some witchcraft thing have it go wrong and then who knows what happens...No thanks...I'll stick with God and the knowledge that what ever God has planned for me is the best for me...

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