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This has nothing to do with relationships or anything of the such, but I have heard this discussed so many times its sickening


Does shaving something make the hair grow back faster and thicker? I know that people who shave there unibrows have to shave it quite frequently because it definitely grows back faster but is this true with facial hair as well? Someone please settle this myth!!!!

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From my knowledge, hair does not grow back thicker. It feels coarse b/c it has a blunt egde as opposed to a tapered one. It may grow back slighly darker b/c of the pigmentation in the root. However if it were to grow farther out, the color would change back to normal. With some few people, the hair may grow back longer due to the stimulation, but usually not.

So basically, it feels more coarse and thicker b/c it has a blunt edge, but isn't actually thicker...

hope this helped.

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Im not sure about plucking, but shaving does seem to make my hair grow faster.


I once was goofing around once and shaved i little hair off the top of my wrist, well as you may have guessed, the hair in that spot is fuller and longer than on the wrist I never shaved.


I wanted to surprise my G/F once and shaved back some of my pubs, well now they are longer than ever!


Im not shure plucking stimulates growth though, as your jerking the whole hair out roots and all.


as for facial hair, I just shaved off my wiskers, for the first time in my life, I'am 40! and they were never that thick, and grew very slow compared to my beard, which I would have to shave again at night if I was going to be on a date, dont want anything distracting her from her O, if ya know what i mean.


Now i have heard that using hair removal creams, over time will make the hairs come back thinner and less full.

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