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Saying Goodbye


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Watching as how time flies

Waiting desperately for us to say good-bye

Gazing up at the people we love

How dearly we cry up above


As the minutes and seconds pass us by

Once again we fall into the sky

We look to the past of our dearest memories

Thinking and daydreaming how we told our stories


Laughing, talking and even understanding

How we sit and ponder of our caring

Thinking how we will miss our presense

Our personalities made this essense


Oh how we always say, "forgive and forget"

Just remember we have no regrets

So to this day we seal the deal

To share about how we feel


Just think of all the greatest times

With all the jokes and all the wine

Cherish the memories we leave behind

Together Class of 2004 we bind

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Awesome poem. I am only a junior. but next year i will be a senior and that actually is making me think of how much i will miss my friends after i graduate.


It also made me think of my uncle who is deceased. It was exstemely hard to say goodbye to him when he died.


I like the poem and if your going off to college good luck in the future. Dont just think of how many friends you will say good-bye to think of all the friends you will make in the future. Again, Good Luck!

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