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attracted to someone

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I suggest if you trying to be with someone and they are already with someone else. Well all I can say it is an uphill struggle from the start. I think it is allot easier starting fresh with someone that is going to be their

for you. Don't drive yourself nuts going in the other direction. It is a dead end road.


Good Luck





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i disagree. if she's attracted to you, i think you actually have a decent chance of getting her if you play your cards right. just don't come off desperate. be cool and so on, and spend time with her without getting in the "friend zone". compliment her every now and then. if she starts complaining about her boyfriend in front of you, she's pretty much asking to be stolen. don't rush it though. it takes a bit of time.

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I think that you should just wait out the girl's relashionship, and then be there for her when it ends. You don't want to hurt anybody's feelings, and although you may not like her boyfriend, because he is her boyfriend, keep in mind that he is a human too. He could be a really nice guy. And let's face it...it's just mean to steal somebody's gf/bf from them!!! Hope you consider this!!!!




P.S.--Next time I would suggest using the "Asking out for a date" board.

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I Agree is asdf as if you like her and she likes you, dont give up. It happened to me and this girl i like was going out with some1 but she dumped them and told him that she likes me more than him.

Trust me stay with it but dont get involved with her boyfriend to much and keep your convo's with her nice and gentle. Just be yourself.

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