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drowning never felt so good

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would you please stop pissing all over my face

there's never room enough for us two

we all take babies, come inside

now the graves must run through


everyone runs from the sun


inside, we make time

take to ground all we have found

inside, we can't hide

come and drown in the sound


underneath we take to theives

run through stairways we fall over

falling far through iron sieves

we take to hatchets and hangovers


everyone runs from the sun


take a time out

far from white out

take to stealing for your own bore

drowing deeper

crumbling creeper

f****d and begging on the floor

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You must be.. one of those intelligent, dark, mysterious guys.. eh?


*thinks for a second about this*


I'm single


Anyways, you seem to write in a very poetic style. You don't seem to use words so much as there literal meanings but more to convey a feeling or mood. Do you care to explain exactly what you are trying to get at by the first stanza? Also, I'm somewhat interested in what exactly .. "inspired" you or prompted you to write this poem.




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actuall you strike me as a musician your poem is thougthful and i agree with the above post you dont go for literal meaning so much as conveying your general message. one of these days i gotta post one of my poems. i think you have talent for poetry you could just as easily be a songwriter it just seems musical with the repetitive everyone runs from the sun its somewhat like a chorus . all in all good job

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