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my bf has been confusing one minute he tells me he loves me the next he tells me that he thinks that i will leave him and that we will never make it last b/c we might like other ppl. He is always asking me to send pics of my gf so he can see them....everytime I ask him what he wants with the pics he says u dont trust me or anything he says that he wants to know who my friends are and stuff...he wants to know who i hang out with...I love him so much but i want to know if he is playing mind games with me and stuff he tells me he loves me but what......anybody help me please....



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Hmmm.... either he is so totally devoted to you that he wants to know every little thing in your life (or, okay, every person in your life) or he's a bit weird, IMHO. I've never heard of a guy checking out his gf's gfs.


You don't have to do what you don't want to do. You have a right to feel comfortable, and that means telling him you're not interested in sending him any more pix unless you really really buy his explanation. Don't let him guilt-trip you. He should respect your decision. That's what a relationship is about. The issue of your sending him pix should NOT make or break your relationship.


Or, just for kicks, you could ask him to send pix of all HIS friends for you to check out. Then see what he says ...

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What do you think is going on? Do you feel like something is happening?

I Know that women sometimes have feelings about stuff like that and ignore it, but then it ends up being correct. I say if you have a gut feeling and think that he likes other people you should ask him. No point in dragging out a relationship that won't work. But I believe that you have some kind of feeling that something is going on. or maybe not, but I think you will know what to do, just put everything together in you head of whats going on. Does anything feel suspicious? I would'nt really accuse him but if it where me I would have a talk with him about what he see's in the future of your lives, and you just might stump him, that would make me spill the beans if I was caught with that question and knew I didn't want the realtionship. What ever happens, do what you got to do to make yourself comfortable. I do know that you will just worry yourself and hurt if you keep feeling these feelings. I.m just a guy so I really don't know how you feel as a women with this problem, but I'm also a guy and I now what guys can do.

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