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Should I call her up? 2nd date?

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This girl who I had in one of my previous classes called me up out of the blue about 2 months after I called her. My previous call went unanswered so I figured she was no interested. An she asks me if I was "available for her" to accompay her to a banquet, I say sure, so we go.


Anyway the night went ok, thought I admit I clammed up a bit, I felt awkward being there with all her friends, in a room of pople I didnt know with a girl I didnt know that much about. But we conversed, took pictures together, the touching boundry was broken but there was no hand holding or anything like that. We held one another when we took pictures we looked into each others eyes alot and smiled.


anyway when the music starts she tells me she shouldnt dance, due to an operation she recently had, and another one that she will have soon.


but what happens? she ends up dancing, only one song though, with some other guy that was there, she seemed as though she knew him though so I guess I shouldnt feel upset at all, but at the time I did feel somewhat rejected, still do if I think about it. And we did end up dancing together, but dancing near and facing one another, not holding one another, unfortunately. They both danced in a basic ball room style of dance, where the guy leads and the women follows, which I did mention I didnt know how to do, but I said I was willing to try.


anyway the night ended I drove her back to her place, and thanked her for inviting me she thanked me for coming and as we hugged I gave her a kiss on the cheek.


but after that everyting seemed to go by so fast, I remember saying bye her saying bye and to not get lost on my way home (im terrible with directions ;p) But she never said to call her, and I didnt say that I would call her and worst of all I cant remember her reaction to the kiss.


now my questions I ask myself are this:


was this infact a date?

should I give her a call? damn and what should I say? well ok maybe not what I should say I can make stuff up, but should I flat out ask her for a 2nd date?

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It shouldn't really matter what you define the event to be.


Could be a little awkward but just call her to say hi and carry on conversation a bit. Then ask her to go out sometime.


Did you feel any chemistry between the two of you? It is possible that the banquet would be too chaotic for you to get to know each other really. Just go for it and see what happens. You'll be kicking yourself later on if you don't

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