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simple question for the guys... or actually anyone

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Guys: What kind of signs do you give your girlfriend to know you like a blow job? And when you get one, what type of things to you like to be done to you?

Girls: How do you know if a guy enjoys it? What type of things do you girls do that you know your boyfriend loves.


I gave my boyfriend one, but it was short. It was only about 2 minutes long because I thought he didn't like it because it seemed like he was not paying attenion at all, and that he'd rather be doing something else. I have talked to him about it, and I asked him what he would like. And he just told me to do what I want. But i'm not sure what he would like, or even what to do ( except for the obvious! ). And I wanted to know signs of knowing that he liked it. Thanks in advance guys!

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I'm sure your boyfriend is just being modest about this whole topic so it doesn't seem like he is preverted or using you for oral sex. I couldn't tell you if he didn't enjoy it or not, but that is something that you should ask him.

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I don't have any experience with that, but I think for the most part guys will enjoy just about anything. While you are doing it, just every once in awhile ask him if it feels good. I think some signs could be heavy breathing, or eyes closed.. I don't really know since I've never given one, but just ask him while you are doing it if he likes it. If he didn't enjoy it, I'm sure he would try to give you some tips on what to do.

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Thanks guys. My boyfriend and I have been going out for a year and a few months. I would never imagened doing this, but he always does things to me so I decided, why not reuturn the favor? I DO NOT want to have sex with him, i'm only 15 and definitly not ready for it. I want to be a lot older, and know that the guy I do ti with is the one. But anyway, He wasn't expecting it, and he kept telling me not to do it unless i'm 100% comfotable with it. But I think he was more uncomfortable then I was, and I think thats why he wasn't really paying attenion so I stopped. But thanks for the things you guys said. I guess next time I'll ask what he likes, or tell him to tell me.!

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i guess the thing might be that he thinks you dont want to do it. And so thereforeeee whilst you were down there he was probably worrying about you not liking it and just doing it because you felt you had to. If you do want to give him this sort of pleasure then you should let him know that you like it - that way he will be able to stop worrying about it and enjoy it. Oh and ask him, just say, did you like that? trust me, he'll probably say 'YES!"


traditionally, guys love oral...

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