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she just keeps staring at me, hugging me, touching me...

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hi all, first time at this site, and thought, id ask some advice on what to do!! well it started like 2 months ago when i starting taking a girl to nightclubs, dinner and all that, then we stayed down the gold coast one night, in a cabin with my boss...now she just keeps staring at me, hugging me, touching me, asking me to stay at her place, and alot of other things, what should i do???


i actually think im in love with her

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First off, welcome to enotalone! *hugs newcomer*


You think you love her? She seems to like you a lot? Go after her!


My question to you is.. is there some reason that you are not ready to date or that you are not ready to date her. If there is, what is it? Other then that, if there is nothing wrong, just keep talking to her and let things take their natural course.



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first of all, welcome to enotalone. this is a great forum and we're all here to help!


I would say that your problem doesn't really seem like a problem at all. The girl likes you, she is showing interest in you, and from what you say, you "love" her. I would continue to keep taking her out to dinner, clubs, etc... spend some real quality time with her and get to know her. communicate and develop a bond with her and let love develop slowly over time. it seems like you're headed in the right direction. have you kissed her yet? if not, then that would be the first step. Just take it slowly with her, respect her and don't push her to do anything. treat her with ultimate respect and go as far intimately as she feels comfortable (not sure if this is what you're asking). communication is the key.


relationship wise, ask her what kinds of things she likes to do, and surprise her. find out her interests and do nice things for her. it should be reciprocal too.


good luck!

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yea, she finally knows how i feel, and now she hardly talks to me, so i thin ive stuffed up somewhere, and its really getting to me, and NO i have not kissed her, had many chances but will wait for her when she is ready i know its weird, but dont know

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like suzyq said, she could be shy and nervous. she's waiting for you to make the first move.


What did she say when you told her how you felt?


It seems like she likes you and just doesn't know how to handle it. girls can get like that- she's probably nervous about what's going to heppen.

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