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Is it normal for a 13 year old to have depression

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totally normal.


expecailly in the teen years. i am still a teen and i went through a lot of that. at first i didn't really know that i had depression at first i just started to feel differend and people started noticing a difference in my personality. well sometimes you know though and sometimes it isn't that bad and all it is is different emotions you are trying to cope with while your body and personality is maturing and growing. but a lot of the time it is bad and there is nothing wrong with attmitting you have depression, and going to theripy or getting on anti-depressents to help. depression is a chemical disorder and can be helped with anti-depressents. you should go to a DR. or a counsolor like a theripest to figure it out. sometimes people don't even need meds,they just need theripy and to talk. make sure your DR. explains to you how they work if you get anti-depressants though, some people think it a happy pill that makes everything okay, but it isn't it just helps you cope with things more logically. well good luck okay.

love QTpie87

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Its normal for anyone to have depression. Depression is just feeling not at your best. Sometimes it gets more severe than other times. Everyone gets depressed in a different way. I get depressed only when I talk to someone who is depressed, so I can usually tell. When I was 12 I was incredibly depressed for about a week, because a family member died, and everybody around me was really sad. So it doesn't really matter what age you are at. Hope you feel better.

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Well, I think I have been suffering from depression since I was like 8 That was when my grandfather died (after we had so much hope he wasn't going to). After that, lots of things have happened that make me go through depression. But nothing like now, though. I have never been depressed to the point of wanting to die so many times in a year as I have been this year. Best wishes.

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okAY i kinda have found ways to solve my problem


ive been kind of down lately....so i decided to go and talk to one of my teachers she/ he is really coool, i mean we got to talk about my emotions....but sometimes i get the feeling she/he doesnt wanna talk anymore...what should i do?

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see a councelor or pm me ill be here to talk most of the time im 15 and ive been depressed since i was 12 now its got to twhere im clinicly depressed and i need medication you know most depression is genetic im bi polar because both my aunts are of my grandparents was so its not your fault all you have to do is pm me ill get right back to you and im always willing to talk so send me a messege when you read this. take care of yourself feel better luv u

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ok i did research on what were the symptoms on depression...and yeah i guess i have it...it al fits...so thanks you guys for all ur help....but i need on this one down there vvvvvv



okAY i kinda have found ways to solve my problem


ive been kind of down lately....so i decided to go and talk to one of my teachers she/ he is really coool, i mean we got to talk about my emotions....but sometimes i get the feeling she/he doesnt wanna talk anymore...what should i do?

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I know this is totally late. but i just wanted to add that i fell into a deep depression when my bf broke up with me. also depression runs in my family. my older sister suffered from it too. it is so strange how you can have the perfect life, family, friends, education, job, and still be soooo depressed. it's called DEPRESSION! when i realized it, i was like duh! anyway, went to my doctor, he prescribed me LEXAPRO.....i've been on it for a year and i have only had one morning where i woke up and felt a little down. every other day has been great. never do i have those sunday blues or the morning blues ever! My sister also takes it every day. she missed one day and felt a little down. go to your doctor. if you have been feeling like this for more than two weeks and don't see it changing......get help. it's so easy and so worth it. there is no reason to feel this way when youdon't have to.




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