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Is this paranoia?

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This may seem like a bizarre post, but this is eating me up and I need some reassurance.


My fiance and I were about to make love and she wanted to take a shower before hand. I said, don't worry we can have a shower after. Just as I was about to enter her it looked like somebody else had recently made a deposit and there was that aroma too.


I hadn't made a deposit myself in the previous 36 hours and she had bathed since.........


Is this just me being paranoid or could there be a legitimate explanation?


I haven't mentioned it to her, although she is aware of what I noticed and has been behaving oddly since - eg. she is being nicer than normal and she was awake most of the night.....

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it could be either. i don't know have you been worring about her cheating on you or something, has she before? um if you are worring about it too much then it could have just been you worring over it. but i don't really know what to say, i mean if you ask her about it it may make her mad or hurt her feelings if she haden't and if she did then i don't think she would come out and just say it. dang. im sorry i don't have good advice i hope someone else here does. good luck.

love QTpie87

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Well, we just met for lunch.


She knew something was up and admitted that was what kept her awake last night. She acted very innocently too. I intimated what had crossed my mind when I saw what I saw.


She acted very calmly and immediately explained that she had erratic oestrogen levels which caused this 'mucus'.


If there are any ladies reading this please let me know if this is a plausable explanation.



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i think that this could be possible, but then i didnt see the offending mucus.


And sometimes if i`ve had a rough day i like to shower before getting intimate.


but it depends on how much you believe her, cause if she is that paronoid she probably wouldnt let you do other things. (i.e. more intimate)


you guess is as good as ours

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Rabf, Yes I think it does sound like a plausible explanation. Women can experience a variety of "discomfort" and vaginal mucus fo a variety of reasons and her hormones could be one of them. If she had cheated on you, you certainly wouldn't be able to tell that by some mucus in the vagina. We women have some form of mucus there all the time! It's highly unlikely that what you saw was semen. If it was like a white "deposit" that sounds like thrush to me.


Thrush is a yeast infection but is not an STD such as chlamydia. A women does not have to have sex to get thrush. A Virgin can get it. Just like a previous msg stated, there are numerous causes like tight clothes, washing with scented perfumes and so on. It CAN be passed to a sexual partner, eg if you had oral sex, you could get thrush in your mouth then you would need to be treated for it. The yeast lives on everybody, even you Rabf! It's very common and nothing really major to worry about.


Yuor GF may be embarrassed if she has thrush and feel very itchy and uncomfortable down there. I think it sounds like she may have it. Talk to her and be understanding. She can get treatment without having to see a doctor and it clears up in a few days.

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Some discharge is normal and it happens to the best of us, especially right before menstruation. It could be that she wanted to wash up because she was embarrassed. It's not something that we want to share with the world. Have you noticed this before?


It could be the Yeast infection, which is way more than the usual discharge.


Or it could be what you thought.


I guess that you will have to keep your ears and eyes open.

If something is going on, you will find out eventually. For now, just give her the benefit of the doubt.


Hope that helps. Good Luck!

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I agree with what was written in Sortakinda's post as one possible explanation. But just as an impt aside, not to fuel your paranoia if that's all it is but -


Has something happened before or been happening for a while for you to immediately jump to a suspicious conclusion? It seems something has happened that is leading you down this 'paranoid'' line of reasoning, be it real evidence or gut feeling. And you looked out for her reactions after (noticing that she noticed you noticed, her staying awake) to perhaps confirm legitimate(?) concerns?


If everything really has been and is fine, then well it's just as you stated, paranoia.


edit - just wanted to add something.. do you read into things too much in other areas of your life, and have found out after that yes, it was just paranoia..

or are you normally trusting and something's just not right in your gut this time.. ?


you may wish to consider that..

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