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Ex bf shares negative info about his gf. What should I do?

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So my ex bf who I broke up with 8 months ago because I felt he wasn't interested in a further commitment and couldn't trust because he'd be kinda secretive and talk to his ex and I later discovered (by eventually breaking down and spying on his fb which I admit was bad) that he had said stuff to girls on the Internet that he didn't think I was the one and he'd be flirty with them saying he wanted to run away with one of them. I shouldn't have spied because it was wrong and have learned if I can't trust the guy for whatever reason I should probably rethink being with them.


Anyway, after we broke up he came running to me wanting to be back with me, telling me he wants to marry me, etc. I was no longer interested and now have a bf. He has a girlfriend as of December. Him and I talk off and on and he's always talking so negative about his gf. Like he says she's crazy and immature and brings up marriage a lot. He doesn't really like her much and tries to avoid her kinda and he even said she has bad body odor. Etc. His mom's advice was to wait til valentine's day to break it off.


I'm getting sick of hearing him say such negative things and morally I think it's wrong that he talks about her behind he back and is just "going along with things". I think she deserves better no matter how "crazy" he percieves her to be. But idk if I should tell her what he's said or not. I have a way to screencap what he said if she'd need proof but I don't know if it's my place. I could care less if he got mad at me. It's his fault he willingly goes on sharing with me all this negative stuff about his gf.


Should I listen to my morals and tell her because she deserves to know?


should I wait to see if he gets the courage to finally tell her the truth and break it off?

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I wouldn't go to her. You aren't the moral police and it will be seen as petty and pathetic. She probably won't believe you.


I'd tell him "don't talk to me about your girlfriend. And, frankly, you need to be nicer to her, if she is so bad, do something about it. Don't complain to me about her behind her back."


Sounds like a real winner...

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I don't think you should intervene in their relationship. Let him do what he has to do. Anyway, I don't understand why you would still want to talk to your ex? He seems like a first rate jerk to me. If he bad mouths his gf again, just tell him that "his exuberance of vulgarity is an insult to your ears".

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Ok thanks for the advice! You all are right. I still feel bad for her but I imagine she'll find out sooner or later that he is a jerk. I should just ignore him and delete him and then I won't have to hear it. He's boring to talk to anymore anyway. Lol. I guess I should just thank my lucky stars that I'm not with him anymore and that m boyfriend talks good about me to his friends.

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