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Need your help on a friendship

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Hello everyone.

I just found your website, and I am a little bit scared in posting, but I really need your opinion on something.

I am a 30 year old women. I know a women at my church who I think is in her 40's or early 50's. I really do care about her a lot as a friend, mind you. I have NO romantic feelings toward her what so ever. All I want is a friendship with her - someone to go to dinner with sometimes, go for a walk, etc. I did ask her to go to dinner (she also has a family, I might add) and she told me that will just not work. I did email her with some questions about a program that I am involved in with her, and then I asked her when she goes walking, if she could call me. She did answer my question, but did not answer the part about walking - she ignored it!!

My question to you - how can I start a friendship with her, without over doing it, and pushing her far far away.

Thanks so much for reading this, and I am looking forward to your replies.

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It seems to me that she just doesn't want to do anything with anyone other than her 'usuals'. She might feel like she is stepping out of her comfort zone. My advice is to invite her and maybe one or two other people she knows to go and do group activity. By doing that she might warm up to the idea of becoming friends if she sees how well you get along with the others. Good Luck!

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My advice is to invite her and maybe one or two other people she knows to go and do group activity. By doing that she might warm up to the idea of becoming friends if she sees how well you get along with the others. Good Luck!




Have to agree with this, Do you own a dog? Does she? just don't start stalking her! lol

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my reply to this: By doing that she might warm up to the idea of becoming friends if she sees how well you get along with the others. Good Luck!


She already knows that I get along with other people. She is one of the teachers in a program I am in - so she knows that I interact well with others - as for her going out in a group, I don't think that will work. The class even went out to lunch before our meeting, and she did not go.


Any other ideas??

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maybe she thinks when ur telling her lets do this, that u want more then just friendship...so what u should do is what the others said, but when u invite her tell her, " im going out with some of my friends and ur one of them, so would u like to come with us"...and wait for her answer, it might work

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