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HELP!!! Girls hate me

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I am a 13 year old snowboarder and i dress like a gangsta cause i am one but girls don't go for me so i have tried changing my wardrobe i am kind of chubby but girls hate me and i don't have a life i like this one girl but she probaly dosen't even ilike me back!!!DUDE I NEED HELP!!!

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Hey Jamie I use to be chubby like you but I never dressed like a gangsta....I'm skinny now with muscles (not the boney type of skinny)..how I did it...it was part growth spurt and I also started working out at a gym (I haven't worked out in along time). At first after I became slim girls didn't like me, or at least i couldn't tell, there coulda been some that did. But since I moved to a new town, I've found out there are a couple girls that find me attractive (but I'm only after one of em). I'm not that tallest guy I think im around 5' 9-11' (my brother is like 6' 2-3' and he didnt get that high till he was 18 and I'm 17 so there is still chance ill get higher), I'm tan (girls love that), jet black hair that is really soft (a lot of girls like to touch my hair or so im told) and weight like 145 lbs. My personality; im shy, but I will talk when spoken to, just have a hard time starting a conversation, I'm nice, funny, and all-around good guy. I'm not saying go and move to a new town but maybe you should start running or working out (I jog about three times a week) and instead of eating a cookie, drink some orange juice or have a banana. If you don't have access to a gym do some push ups and LOTS i mean LOTS of sit ups (i did about 200-500 a day, i dont have a six pack but im still working on it). Thats just how i changed myself...i hope it helps..good luck.


Cya'll Later.

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Hi jaime. 13 is an odd age and an akward stage in your life. believe it or not, the girls at your age are probably more insecure about themself than you are about yourself. Don't let being chubby discourage you. First, you will most likely grow out of it in a few years, maybe less. Second, not everyone finds chubby as unattrative. I always sorta liked the bigger guys, myself. I wasn't into the scrawny, thin guys that all the other girls like. Bigger guys were husky, like my protection in a way. But dont be down about these girls. Many many girls at your age are so insecure about themself and the changes that they are going through. Im sure some even are interested but too shy to say anything. Try talking to one of the girls that you are interested in. Just say hi once in a while or something. Ask her what she likes to do, tell her what you like to do. Wait with her in the lunch line. Put yourself out there, b/c I hate to say it but it may be another 3-4 years before a girl gets enough courage to approach you. Don't wait for them to do it, go out there yourself. Good luck!

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Hey, like they said buddy, chubby doesn't mean bad. I've been chubby since I can remember, I was 16 yrs old, 6'3" and 280. I wouldn't say I look like a body builder or anything, but I had that belly and the man-breasts. So I just started working out on my own, walked my dog for about a mile or two every day, and this is the kind of odd part to do strength training, but I work at a paintball field, and I spend most of my time carrying trees and moving bunkers on off-days, and carrying a 300 lb. piece of timber is a humbling experience. However, after working for about 6 months, I lost my man-breasts and my belly deteriorated. Now I'm 18, still 6'3" and 260, I haven't dropped too much weight, but I gained a lot of muscle. I suggest you do that, change your chubbiness into muscle. Find things to do, walk the neighborhood, ride a bike, do lots of sit-ups, one thing that helped my upper body was the SEAL crawl (lay flat and use only your forearms to drag your entire body accross a floor for as long and fast as you can). But, I can tell you one thing for sure, girls love bigger guys, I have a lot of friends that are skinnier, but at clubs and parties, the girls tend to come up to me more, I guess it's a security issue, or so I've been told. Well, I'm done rambling, good luck!

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Don't worry about what girls think about you. Most of them don't even think about you, or anyone else, but them selves. Like you for instance... You're worried about what girls think about you... They could care less what you look and act like. They, along with everyone else, are worried about how they look.


Take my advice though... I'm 15, 5'9' and my driver's permit says that I'm 235lbs. Since then (Back in september of last year) I've started walking to school (8 blocks) and then riding the bus home and walking from there (3 blocks). When I get home, I do 50 pushups before I go to bed. Even if I have to do 10 an hour, I do them before I go to bed. Because of this, I'm now down to 193lbs and I'm loosing my "chubbyness". I've also started maturing. Not acting like an azz all the time. I'm more polite to girls. I open doors for them and let them go first, no matter how ugly, fat, disgusting, or replusive they may be, because when you're nice to some chick that's ugly, they tell their friends (the hot ones), and then the hot one's start hitting on you, or so I've heard. Seems to be working. I've gotten several extremely sexy girls to talk to me since then. Used to, I couldn't even say "hi" without one of them turning away and gag or something.


Remember what Sean Connery said in "The Rock"?

"Loosers go home and cry to their mommys. Winners go home and *uck the prom queen"

Remember that man. Don't give up or go crazy or start doing drugs or any of that stuff because of this. Keep on rollin.



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  • 1 month later...

I can't say much more except that it helps to be nice to girls. You sound a lot like me except for the gangsta look. Despite what you might have heard, not many girls like that stuff. And to get rid of the excess weight, try doing stuff like I'm doing. I ride my bike quite a lot now. also I walk to school some times. Another way to meet girls, is to join a co-ed aafter school activity, like the school play if there is one. I joined the scool play and now lots of girls pay attention to me, not all but it makes a start. and try not to be like me and be shy around the girl you like . remember treat them with respect and you'll get it back. Good luck

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What the hell is that supposed to mean, you dress like a gansta. In other words your saying you dress black. They don't like you because your ***ing posing. You are not a gangsta, have you killed someone? No, Didn't think so. You are what we in the "hood" call a P-U-S-S-Y

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Okay Bro...first off all...your opening line is the key to your problems...not the fact that you are "chubby." This whole, "I dress like a gansta cuz I am one," is exactly why girls don't want to talk to you. Now, I'm gonna TRY to keep this nice so the moderators don't Private Message me to death, but you have problems which go far beyond your physical appearance.

First of all, being a "gansta" ain't cool. And, the fact that you have to tell the world that you are one means that you're NOT. Being a "gansta" as you put it goes far beyond wearing baggy clothes and droppin' a buncha fo-sheesies when you talk. I could go into further, more graphic details of what a REAL gansta is and does, but at the expense of the moderators, I'll spare your feelings and dispense with the advice.

Your problem is that you are WAY immature. The fact that you pride yourself on being a gansta probably means you have this tough guy look, walk, talk and all that. All of that is just a bunch of phony BS that you put on to get noticed. Girls don't find that atractive.

Try being yourself. You said you've tried changing your wardrobe, so obviously you don't feel comfortable being an O.G. anymore, but try changing your attitude as well. Girls like guys who are confident and manly only if it is REAL. If you gotta fake who you are, you are going to look like a wanna be and no girl wants to be with a geek in 50Cent's clothing. Girls can smell a phony a mile away.

Also, girls your age are just hard to understand anyway. They no more know what they want than you do. But, you are shooting yourself in the foot by trying to be something you are not.

The chubbiness will go away. I don't know what kinda sports your into regularly, but it doesn't snow year round unless you live in Antartica, so put down the X-Box controller and try getting some excersise outdoors.

Most importantly, stop worrying about what everyone thinks about you. Just be yourself and don't try so hard to make everyone like you or want to be your boyfriend. And definitely drop that gansta attitude. You don't come from the streets. You've never put in work, and you'd no more bust a cap in someone's butt than steal a comic book.

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" And, the fact that you have to tell the world that you are one means that you're NOT. Being a "gansta" as you put it goes far beyond wearing baggy clothes and droppin' a buncha fo-sheesies when you talk. Your problem is that you are WAY immature. All of that is just a bunch of phony BS that you put on to get noticed. If you gotta fake who you are, you are going to look like a wanna be and no girl wants to be with a geek in 50Cent's clothing. Girls can smell a phony a mile away.

And definitely drop that gansta attitude. You don't come from the streets. You've never put in work, and you'd no more bust a cap in someone's butt than steal a comic book." Exactly



P.S. Go watch Malibu's Most wanted. B-itch

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ok dude listen up. Im 13 too and live in brooklyn. Im always being pressured about what to wear. I cant wear jeans too tight or they'll laugh at me. This is what i wear, and people dont say shit cuz they cant. OK i usually wear baggy pants not too baggy like thugs and shit. I wear polo, tommy hilfiger, and nautica t-shirts, nothing like ecko or anything other of that shit. I am kinda chubby too, im 5'9" and weigh 166 lbs. I got muscles though so im not all that fat. All i could tell u is to lift weights and do sit ups

and all that other shit and ull be fine. Im in a same situatuon right now, i really like this girl. Im to chicken to go up to her and have a conversation cuz shes always around friends. I got her sn though. I just work it step by step idunno what to tell u. Good luck........

PS, ask some friends that r girls at school what to do.

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