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Kissing - "How to Flip it"


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I'm starting to get close to person and I think we are going to move up to making out soon. I have a concern how ever , I know its natural to get a boner while kissing like that.


Err but lets say I get an erection when we do it. Lets assume that my Blank is pointing down , that can be uncomfortable with an erection . How can I switch it up , if you know what i mean.


Is it something I have to do sneaky ? Can I even do it sneaky when were pressed up against each other like that ? Should I be open about it ? How can she take my hand that did switching later and hold it ? Won't she be grossed out by touching my hand that did that ?


I like to consider my thing long

Can I do something like strategic dressing to cover up my erection or what ?

Or should I flaunt it , letting everyone know about it , yelling at the top of my lungs ? lol ( Just kidding )

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Don't flip it, unzip it.. Seriously don't wear pants that are constricting. Even at my age I still get uncontrollable boners from just making out. Its natural and most women would take it as a compliment.


It is a compliment. I used to be offended when I was younger, though, so depending on how old you are, she might be too.

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Guys grab their junk all day long. Adjusting is nothing new to our eyes. You're over-thinking this one. Just casually reach down there and fix it if you have to, but your best bet would be to wear pants that are lest constricting, as the other posters have pointed out.


Don't be embarrassed about it. I kind of like when a guy gets a boner when we make out. It lets me know that I turn him on.

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Thanks everyone !


I really appreciate the advice , to hide it I guess Ill have to find baggy pants and get a belt. I didn't mean to over think it im just a little nervous. Housekitten I don't understand how she couldn't be grossed out ? Am I just to young ? or what ?

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Housekitten I don't understand how she couldn't be grossed out ?

If you adjust on the outside of your clothing, then there's not much to be grossed out about. But, if you put your hand inside and adjust by actually touching yourself, then I think it throws a whole other grossness about it, lol. Whatever you do, do not put your hand inside to adjust. That's the key.

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If you adjust on the outside of your clothing, then there's not much to be grossed out about. But, if you put your hand inside and adjust by actually touching yourself, then I think it throws a whole other grossness about it, lol. Whatever you do, do not put your hand inside to adjust. That's the key.


Yes exactly. It seems like most guys can adjust just by grabbing and lifting the waist of their pants. I think that by doing that, it allows room for it to sit facing up instead of down.

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