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Am I like a famous celebrity?


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I'm not a famous celebrity, but I've always understand the annoyance of being so popular. I can't talk to a girl without her telling me I look familiar, because we had met in the past. Also, it gets SO bizarre when people hook up with each other and one person tells them about me,...just to interrupt and say "hey! I know that guy!!!"

Last night was so weird too. Some girl that I was flirting with at a bar apparently thought I was making fun of her and had to get one of her friends to tell me I was a jerk. The problem though, after awhile, the girl realized she knew me from her boyfriend, and then apologized for her friend thinking I was a jerk.


Doesn't everyone agree I need to move to bigger city!!!??

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I honestly have know idea what I just read. What are you talking about?


omg, I can't stop giggling. My sentiments exactly.



OP, sorry I don't understand really. Is it small town life in general, and a lot of people have this problem? Or are you particularly well-known? What kinds of problems are you having as a result?

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I have a well known personality and I have a unique look. I have lived near Nashville and I live in Knoxville right now. I can be a socialite and be the center of attention. I've had people remember who I was when we were in elementary school. I don't like being known, because I get such a strong feeling that people talk about me behind my back. I feel like I'm in a comedy movie and people have conversations about the movie, but only talk and laugh at my parts.

I don't know how I was mean to this girl. The only thing I can think of is when I mentioned how young I thought she was. She was 21 and I'm 29. The friend told me her friend was drunk and she told me not to worry because "Doug, don't worry! How can any girl think you are an * * * * * * * ? She just doesn't understand."

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I'm not a famous celebrity, but I've always understand the annoyance of being so popular. I can't talk to a girl without her telling me I look familiar, because we had met in the past. Also, it gets SO bizarre when people hook up with each other and one person tells them about me,...just to interrupt and say "hey! I know that guy!!!"

Last night was so weird too. Some girl that I was flirting with at a bar apparently thought I was making fun of her and had to get one of her friends to tell me I was a jerk. The problem though, after awhile, the girl realized she knew me from her boyfriend, and then apologized for her friend thinking I was a jerk.


Doesn't everyone agree I need to move to bigger city!!!??


I actually have this problem in a different way. I work on a cruise ship as an entertainment officer and DJ so I present the daily radio show, host quizzes and gameshows and and basically 'the face' of the company. This means that when I walk around the ship or am having lunch or something, everyone stares at me and recognises me. It is almost like being famous in a small microcosm kinda way. I always thought that would be an amazing feeling but I actually really don't like it. It makes me feel paranoid and self conscious, like people are watching my every move.. comes with the job though I guess.

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