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This is really hard to explain, but I'll try to make it as clear as I can.


I'm a senior in high school. I met a girl at the start of this school year, she's a year younger than me. We took an interest in each other, I liked her and I could tell she liked me too. We flirted a lot. Anyway, after we finally got to know each other I suggested we go out. She and I argue sometimes, nothing serious - its just that we like to push each others buttons playfully. Because of this she turned me down. I was surprised, but I moved on with someone else. The thing is I always had feelings for the first girl. I really like her, i don't know what it is.


After a while, things with girl #2 didn't work out. So, I finally decided to stop hiding my feelings for the first girl. I told her I like her, I didn't really get a response. One of the problems is she has a boyfriend. The other problem is she still feels we don't get along. So I wrote her an e-mail about my strong feelings for her and suggested we go out. She never really said "no," she just told me the same things again - we argue too much and she has a boyfriend anyway. So I'm thinking that she does want to date me, but she's hiding it for some reason. She replied to my e-mail and said she liked me before we had all our problems. Recently, we've made up and things are like they used to be when she liked me a lot.


I've always had feelings for her, but even more now that we're getting along a lot better. School ended for me today, next week for her. I just hope I'll still get to see her this summer. So what do I do? I need help. What if we end up getting even closer? I know there isn't a great chance of us going out, but I STILL have feelings for her and they won't go away! I've tried to put her behind me but I still like her A LOT. I feel kinda helpless, like things are out of my hands. Is there anything I can do to change her mind about me?? I don't know exactly what I'm supposed to do here.

Thanks in advance.

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I think in my opinion, you would be better with someone else. She might not wanna date you if she's avoiding it. People tell me "its not good to force things" and with my girlfriend I always do cause im stupid. I think you should try someone else. I have a question, why dont your relationships work out?

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I guess thats a good point. I haven't had that many relationships, but I guess forcing things isn't good. I've tried other girls and I've tried to forget about her but I can't!!! Thats where my problem is. I don't want any other girls, I just want her. She's special to me. A friend of hers told me she has a crush on me. But the thing is she has a boyfriend. What do I do? I guess I have to wait till they break up? I think if I can spend more time with her and get closer once again she'll go out with me. Without forcing it, that is.

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