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I must be blind...

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or too shy.


I'm a sophmore in highschool, and she is a junior. I am introverted and she is optimistic and funny.


We had started being friends about a year ago and after I go to know her I really liked her alot but Ive never told her back and its been like the for about 5mths. She always smiles at me and always is looking at me and I look and smile back. Other the looking and smiling, when we hang out I dont say much or do too much because I dont want to look like a moron and maybe remove all doubt.


So out of all of this babble I think im trying to say what should I do to tell her that I like her back, or is the signals she is sending just out of friendship?

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I'd say go for it. She could very well like you mor than friends. I was in a similar situation with my current GF. We were good friends with a lot of flirting. I told her I liked her and eventually that I loved her and, after overcoming a couple obstacles (like her BF at the time) we started going out. And I am soo happy that I am with one of my best friends. You always fail at the risks you never take. You may regret this for a long time to come. Go for it

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