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when i watch anything really it is the pain of the people left behind that gets to me. but also i feel that you should not live your life for other people, doing that can get you thinking these thoughts anyway. i am not saying be selfish, just dont forget about yourself. i've had bad depression problems this year, but i am still here. im young and dont know what will happen, if anything after i die. maybe there will be a moment sometime that makes staying alive worth it...



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what led you to feel that way or think what you did, there must have been excessive build up to finally think that you wouldnt miss anything, so you can honestly say to yourself you wouldnt miss any one aspect of life?

you wouldnt miss anything, be it family friends or anyone, be it something they did, the inability to think over something positive, to never give what could have been a chance, to never see that one or two people you really care for, to hear there laugh, to see their smile, to walk down the street or see someone and get that one smile that makes you warm in side, to actually achieve.


there is truly nothing you would live for in life?


just curious, kel

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I can not begin to express my thoughts on the amount of persons my own age considering suicide as an escape, for my own past is nearly too much to deal with. By the time I was 14, I had attempted suicide three times, obviously I was unseccessful at it, and I thank God every day for that. I can tell you now, whatever your reasons may be, I had ones that would put yours to shame. So I beg of you here and now, please don't do this to yourself or too your family, as much as you think you wouldn't be missed, you would and the pain and suffering you would cause too all those who do care would be your own fault. So tell me now, is it other people or just yourself who you wish to cause pain, because suicide hurts everyone...

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hey. have u been having problems in life. i know i have attempted suicide three times.i understand suicidal people, thats a mistake people make they think because they understand cutting and self mutilation that they understand suicide they are two very different things. i remember the first suicidal thought i had. i was just watching a nightmare on elm street three and i dont know why i suddenly thought if i just set my head down on a block of wood and had some one chop right through it no one would even notice. ive had suicidal thoughts every day today included its learning how to control it that will make you strong.

let me know if you are actually considering suicide pm me


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