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How do I act in the weird situation?

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So let me recap...My ex and I became on bad terms b/c i "disrespected him" by causing scenes/drama when i saw him and his new girl together... we thus ignored eachother for 5 days. I called him one night, to see if he was ready to be more civil about it and to my surprise the next day he IMed me telling me he doesn't want to be mean, so he would like to say hi in the hallways, etc. but still wants his space. I agreed.


Today, I saw him walking to school and decided to be nice and give him a lift. It was really a 5 sec. ride. He got out, said thank you and didn't wait up for me and just walked away to school. Then after school i saw him again, asked politely and he said he was ok. I feel like he's scared of me, and it just felt soooo awkward. I'm happy we're on good/better terms...but i dont want him to act weird around me...i want him to now see im a happy, pleasant person who he used to be attracted to...and maybe even miss that..What should i do in this situation? How can I make him feel comfy and even miss me? I think I have a better chance now since we r "friends" but where should i go from here?

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Thats a really tough position...

The only thing you can really do to show him your happy and fine with it all it to really be happy and fine with it all (redundant I know)


What I'm trying to say is that you just need to be friendly and upbeat when you see him, even if your having a bad day you need to be cheery around him until he's comfortable and knows you won't cause drama (whether you have in the past or not)


So give it time, be his friend and he'll come around...I've been there before a couple times in High School and they will come around...and as far as the two of you are concerned what ever's meant to be will work out, maybe you two will be together, maybe not...time will tell!


Best of luck!

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It depends on whether he is the sensitive type or freespirited. Obviously it seems he doesn't have TOO much problem talking to you even though he acts really awkward around you. If he's sensitive, he might think that he's not important to you and might be a little upset despite him having someone else. He might be somewhat trying to avoid you because he might have feelings for you somewhat and doesn't want to be tormented by looking at you and then it'll get him thinking. On the other hand, he might be happy at the fact that you have moved on and is glad that you are not upset or anything like that. I'm not really good at interpreting things like this but I'm just giving it a shot. What do you think? I'm more of the negative poster (in which you probably have seen some of my posts floating around). How'd I do?

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hey outlaw, thanks for the input.... All i know is that he says his life is bad now (family problems) but some points r really good..( i didnt ask, but im sure he meant it involving her).. i also think hes happy about the fact that im not there to cause anymore drama and just let him be...but i just wish that he wont be awkward, and he would ask ME for rides.... i just want our situation to be flipped u know? I'm trying to show that i really don't care, and am happy without him..its so hard though, esp. when i see them together in the hallways. Im thinking that his awkwardness is because hes not 100% sure about my feelings, and is still scared that i may make a scene...Whatever it is..what do you suggest the best thing i do to increase my chances with him again?

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Well, I'm not too good at giving advice on smoothing the butter on things (as I like to call it) but I'll try.

what do you suggest the best thing i do to increase my chances with him again?
Well, it is obvious you have thoughts about getting close to this guy again should him and his current girl break up. Just be yourself. You seem to be a nice and intelligent girl. I'm sure he don't mind being friends with you but he might also be scared that you might flip again. Just act as if nothing has happened I guess. If you show any hostility, he'll sense it and be even more awkward. If he's smart, and he breaks up, he'll remember how good of a girl you are. Don't think too deep into this topic Jerseygirl. Let them do their thing and you do yours but still be mature and civil to each other.....which doesn't seem hard at this point. Good luck and I hope I did okay.
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