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Download a swingers clip: Mike/Rob talk about No Contact!

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You can all call me God later, but I hope this helps people. It's one of the famous scenes from "Swingers" that people have been talking about.


Download the clip if you have broadband (clip is 3.5 meg big encoded with video 3) If it doesn't play both video and audio just let me know. (It should work with Windows Media player 9, I think Winamp should work too)




Or for those that dont want to download it here's the transcript


Mike: Ok so what if I don't want to give up on her?

Rob: You don't call.

Mike: You said I don't call if I wanted to give up on her?

Rob: Right

Mike: So I don't call either way?

Rob: Right

Mike. So what's the difference?

Rob: There is no difference right now. See Mike the only difference between giving up and not giving up is if you take her back when she wants to come back. But you cant do anything to make her want to come back. In fact, you can only do stuff to make her not want to come back.

Mike: So the only difference is if I uhh forget about her and just pretend to forget about her?

Rob: Right

Mike: Well that sucks.

Rob: Yeah it sucks.

Mike: So it's just like a retroactive decision then. I mean I could like forget about her and then when she comes back make I like I just pretended to forget about her.

Rob: Right, although probably more likely the opposite.

Mike: What do you mean?

Rob: I mean, at first you're going to pretend to forget about her--you'll not call her, I don't know, whatever--but then eventually you really will forget about her.

Mike: Well unless she comes back first.

Rob: Mmmmmm see that's the thing is somehow they know not to come back until you really forget.

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Man you really out did yourself this time lol. I don't want to konw how you found that, ubt truly amazing. I truly enjoyed watching that movie last week, ON MY BIRTHDAY too lol. I mean RIGHT AFTER I had this HUGE talk with my ex about not talking to her anymore, they played that movie. It truly was a great movie to watch and although it's Hollywood, it's still life and Hollywood tries to portay real life at times. It's not always the case, but dammit this movie really sank in. When they had messages to deliver, they delivered. Unfortunately it's sitll damn hard and at times I still can't believe she's with some new guy. Well when I was watching that movie I TRULY couldn't help but feel like Mike and everything they said was pretty similar to how I was feeling and what I felt I had to do. That is for me to forget it's going ot be damn tough, but what else can I do?

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What do you think of string theory? Is it going to stick around for a while or do you think its just a fad?


Go Flames go!


I think it will stick around for a while because its not been experimentally falsified or confirmed. I love the mathematical elegance. There's little experimental evidence for it. But someone has to go down that path and see if it's wrong or right or else we'll never know.

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