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The percentage of Couples In Love?

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I have seen quite a lot of people searching for love, struggling in love, but eventually settling with someone without LOVE...


I want to do a survey here:

1). are you married (or having kids) with/without love?

2). are your friends/relatives married (or having kids) with/without love?


I am really curious how many people can't find their (so-called) soulmates

in real life.


At the end of discussion, I will be able to give a percentage for both.

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I think this is a hard survey to quantify effectively because sometimes a person thinks that their significant other loves them, and really does not. Other times you may go through periods of falling out of love and back into love...the ebbs and flows of a relationship. Truly, "soulmates" are just two people who are compatible and can remain together happily...with love, most of the time...but like I said that is very hard to quantify.


BTW, I have been "in love" thinking I had found my soulmate and then nearly two years later of being together he revealed that he had never loved me...so...like I said, you never truly know!

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My father and step mother have been married over 30 years, they've had ups and downs but are ridiculously in love.


I want what they have! But I wonder if it's possible with my generation and all of the things that can break up relationships. Facebook, lurid TV, instant gratification mentality, loose morals. I can't believe I'm saying this stuff, I sound like some moral majority religious fanatic...I'm so far from that!


My aunt and uncle, married almost 40 years. Completely in love. Lucky!

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Let me see, my parents, aunt + uncle and other aunt + uncle I would say are all married with love. They have been together for 30, 25, 15 years respectively.


I have two cousins, one married for 5.5 years, the other for 1.5 years, both with love and brand new babies! Their parents - also seem happily married, about 35 years I think.


It's hard to judge really. How can I know whether couples are truly in love, truly love each other, or just appear to be?

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I think peoples' perceptions of love changes over the course of the relationship, so it's hard to quantify. I'm sure the percentage of couples who start out in love is higher than the percentage who stay in love. But I bet of the couples who end up staying married, the percentage of couples who have either stayed in love or grew to love one another is very high.


I'm not married, but I was in love with my ex-fiance. My parents have been married around 50 years. They were in love to start and thought they were soul mates, but then they almost got divorced, and now they've settled into a sort of comfortable, loving marriage. But they're not in love. My aunt and uncle have been married around 45 years and have kids. They were in love at first but fell out of love (they're not really romantic with each other), and now they are really close friends and they love each other very much.


You read about this all the time. Couples who stay married for decades don't have those in love feelings like they do to begin with, but they develop a deeper love that is based on companionship.


I don't know anyone who married or had kids without feeling in love to being with.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i think the idea of soulmates and love is completely distorted by popular culture, reality TV, movies, and the general society at large. people believe soulmates provide this fantasy like existence...kinda buying the image being sold by the mass media. Now, I don't have this as a short-sighted blame the media view...it's just that so many people I know and are close to evaulate their loves/soulmates/partners with eyes on the fronts couples put on and what they see on TV and in the movies. It's like when the thick of life hits, everyone wants to throw up their arms and say that their relationships aren't working. Eveyone wants the flow of life, no one wants the ebb. I truly hope, whether my ex and I reunite or whoever turns out to be the person I spend my life with, that we can see life and the relationship for the good and bad times and grow in both. Just my two cents on soulmates.

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I am really curious how many people can't find their (so-called) soulmates in real life.


I can't find the statistic right now, but most newlywed couples are only able to keep their romantic love going for about 18 months after they are married.


As far as finding "soulmates", I think you will find that only a small percentage of people will ever find their "soulmates". My guess is that this number is less than 20 percent, maybe even less than 10 percent.


It doesn't mean that these non-soulmate couples aren't happy, it's just not the perfect partner match they were dreaming about.


...I broke up with my last girlfriend after seven years, because we were more like roommates than soulmates.

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