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Condom broke, freaking out. Someone talk to me about this please.

Sam _

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My GF and I had sex for literally an hour straight. I wore the Trojan ecstasy condom. We've been having sex for almost 2 months. I've made her cum/orgasm multiple times while this is my first time cumming. When I finished, the condom seemed fine. Both of us wanted to be sure, she told me to put a little water in it to be sure. I don't recall seeing any water leak out and it only had water in it (not much, just about an inch of water) for a second.

Well, I was just now wondering "What if I'm mistaking?". So if put the same amount in and it was leaking. It is a hole in the tip.


She just got off her period last night and there was some blood on the condom when I pulled out. Her parents are beyond ultra-christian. They specifically told my gf that if she ever messed up (by having a "bastard" child, premarital sex, or anything that "goes against the word of God") that she would be sent away to an all-girl's boarding school out of state and live with her uncle.


We really don't know what to do. Talk to me either through here or on yahoo messenger (send me your username through PM). I'm freaking more about her being sent away than her being pregnant. She is 16, I'm 19.

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Wouldn't she need a prescription? I thought it was 17+ you didn't need a prescription.


i really don't know. i guess it depends on where you live. i recommend you tell her to get herself to planned parenthood right now and get the morning after pill. like, now. each hour that passes, there is a lower chance of it working.

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yeah, i think she needs to be 18 to get it without a prescription. Can't she get a prescription? does she have any older friends who can get it for her? Or maybe you can even get it, I heard guys can buy it too. Who would know she's younger than you, I don't really know how this buying process works but it should not be too complicated.

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Here, it is if you are 4 years or more than the girl then it is statutory.


So then you have a good window.


Where I live they have two different age of concent. If the child is 12 and 13they can be with someone one year older. 14 and older, they can be with someone up to five years older.

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Yes, you have to be 18 to get the morning after pill. It is like 50 dollars but u can get it for her. She is only 16 so I don't see why she is even having sex at such a young age... Girls these days are really strange. When I was 16 I wasn't even thinking about sex, I was just excited to be driving!

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Yes, you have to be 18 to get the morning after pill. It is like 50 dollars but u can get it for her. She is only 16 so I don't see why she is even having sex at such a young age... Girls these days are really strange. When I was 16 I wasn't even thinking about sex, I was just excited to be driving!


this really depends on where you live. not all states have the same laws.

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Hard to respect the parents who sit there and tell her how worthless she is, how they should have aborted her, among other things. And that is on a good day regardless of who else is right there. They've said this right infront of me.

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Hard to respect the parents who sit there and tell her how worthless she is, how they should have aborted her, among other things. And that is on a good day regardless of who else is right there. They've said this right infront of me.


Sorry to hear that you had to go through that. However, at that age for someone to get pregnant they are bound to hear a conversation like that. It's not like they will be jumping in joy for her being pregnant like they would be if she were to be graduating high school early and having acceptance into one of the best universities in the country.

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Her parents are beyond ultra-christian. They specifically told my gf that if she ever messed up (by having a "bastard" child, premarital sex, or anything that "goes against the word of God") that she would be sent away to an all-girl's boarding school out of state and live with her uncle.


I want to punch such people repeatedly in the head! I am a "bastard" child and I went to a Catholic school who never even realised, yet I know of others that would have not let me join because of that.


As for the condom, It's unlikely that she's pregnant but just go for the morning after pill to be on the safe side.


As for statutory rape, my friend got the morning after pill age fifteen when the age of consent is sixteen here. No questions asked, because they can't go around interrogating you to find out who the guy was. It's only if an actual report is made do they invesitgate it.

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