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Help me to understand this Kiss.

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Hey all,


Although this is my first post but I have been reading the forums for some time for advice, so thanks for past advice and thanks in advanced for any advice you can give me now.


Me and my girlfriend have been going out for a little over a month now. I knew that I was her first boyfriend so I wasn't really rushing anything, but we had our first kiss last week, it was pretty much what I expected, clumsy but unforgettable. It was both of our first kisses (were both Seniors in High School).


Well next week when we went out and I wasn't feeling great on Friday night, so I didn't kiss her, wanted to make sure I wasn't sick. Well the next day we went out (Turns out I wasn't sick, just not feeling good that night) and since I was feeling better I kissed her. Well when we kissed I planned on just taking it slow because we were both in experienced, didn't want to make her uncomfortable. Well when we kissed, I was surprised to find her tongue. This wasn't a problem for me, the kiss certainly lingered with me and I'm still thinking about it, but I don't know what to make of it.


I'd appreciate any light someone can shine on this.



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I'm sure she was just "turning up the heat". There are many aspects and forms of kissing. You experienced the French Kiss, which is quite popular. As long as you enjoyed it, I wouldn't doubt that you won't be experiencing more of this in the future.


It sounds like both of you are having a good time developing this relationship. Good luck in the future.

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It sounds like she's comfortable enough with you to try something new. Enjoy it. Its good that you aren't rushing the relationship.

Also... If things keep progressing at this pace, make sure that you guys discuss your limits, so you can avoid getting into something ur not ready for.

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My first kiss was so the defining moment of my relationship with my GF.

Me & my GF (we were NOT dating by her defination at that time, but we were dating by my & all my friends' definition) went out for a movie and was chatting at a coffee shop, I told her I was a little frustrated with us (I wasn't sure what stage we're in), then she asked me to drive to someplace quiet. We chatted for a while, dance around the issue (she was still seeing me as a friemd and ex-coworker at this point, we hadn't even hold hands yet!). Then she said lets try it, she leaned back, took off her glasses and closed her eyes.

I was totally surprised, but I leaned in and try to kiss her as passonately as I can, it lasted a long long time...... THEN we became BF & GF. She told me she was surprised I was such a good kisser, without that kiss I would have gotten stuck as a friend! Lucky me........

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