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How to deal with anger at my ex??

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Allow me to briefly set the scene for you: several months ago my ex-boyfriend broke up with me. It was a friendly break-up in that he wanted to remain friends. It hit me REALLY hard and has taken me some time to get over it. Thankfully, I now accept that it's over. I no longer feel despair, and I'm looking forward to meeting someone new in future. I can see that my Ex and I weren't right for eachother, and it was right to break-up. To that extent, I'm fine with everything.


However, now I'm really angry at my Ex. Not angry at things he did during our relationship, but angry at how he's behaved *since* we broke up. Without going into details, he has really jerked me around. All our friends agree that he has acted very immaturely towards me for someone in their 20's. He has made my emotional recovery a lot harder than it could have been. That's not really the issue though. My problem is, how do I deal with this anger I feel?


Part of me says the classy thing to do is to ignore it, forget about him and get on with my life. But at the same time, I also feel outraged that he has been such a jerk. He is completely unaware how wrong his behaviour is, and I guess part of me wants to send him an email pointing out in a calm yet honest way how much his behaviour has disappointed and hurt me. I don't want to send a crazy 'I hate you, go to hell' email, but one that just lets him know he hasn't done the decent thing. I guess my 'moral outrage' voice is telling me this arrogant jerk needs to be brought down a peg or two, and that he shouldn't 'get away' with it.


But then again, sending him an email like that could make him even more resentful of me. What should I do? Tell him how disappointing and hurtful he has been? Or forget it and get on with my life? Thanks

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Yeah. I guess by showing my resentment, it'll be easy for him to label me as 'an annoying ex-girlfriend'. But if I remain gracious and polite, I suppose it's harder for him to dismiss me. Perhaps in time he will want to be friends. What do other people think?

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