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Hiya..I've been with my girlfriend for 5 months now. I'm 15 and a half, she's 14 and a half. (she's 5 days shy of a year younger than me) We've been making out for several months. Heavy, passionate, naughty making out. I've rubbed her through her pants on a few occasions and given her the first orgasm she's ever had and quite a few more. Though she does not like me to touch her chest, I can grab her ass. She likes that. We're both mature, and are truly in love. By my (psychological studies are my hobbies) judgement we are truly in love and are ready/mature enough to take our relationship to the next level, which would be intimate contact between both of us, bare manual stimulation, etc.


My question is..how exactly is the best way to go about discussing this with her without making myself sound like a horny guy who's head downstairs is at the wheel. I brought the subject up about a month and a half ago and she pretty much shrugged it off so I took the hint and dropped it. What's your input?

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Okay a serious question here.. Are you and your girlfriend ready to have a baby ? because when having sex there is a good chance of that happening. I think you should both wait till you are atleast 16(legal age) .. 14/15 is so young to be doing something with soo many consequences

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I never said that sex was the next step, nor do I want it to be. Intercourse, is not the level we need to be at at this age, I agree. We've discussed this. Though I do think that something more than making out is appropriate.

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i think that kissing or making out, whatever you want to call it is where you should stay. i really don't mean to sound like im all mighty and know so much or anything like that at all, after all i am only about 2 years older then you, but i will have to tell you that going any further would most likely end up hurting one or both of you emotionally, because you just don't do that type of stuff with someone unless you are going to marry them. just my opinion from experiance, i wish i wouldn't have ever done half the stuff i did with my ex, now i know i wont do any of that until i am with someone i know really loves me and will spend the rest of their life with me.

please think about it before you do anything.

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It's simple.. you've already been rubbing down there. Now take the next step and just undo her pants. If she doesn't want you to do it, she'll start to act a little weird or even stop you. That's when you know to stop.

If she doesn't do anything, then keep going and you could even ask her if it's ok to finger her.


Fingering isn't that hard.. just be gentle (since she's a virgin, she'll be tight and any rough contact can be potentially painful).


It's rather simple.. no need to graph out a diagram or anything.

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