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Letter to my ex....

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Wow, that is an amazing letter! Good last words and it leaves the ball in her court. That letter is worth sending, I agree with your friends. I've tried writing letters to my ex and every time I write one, it turns into this whole blaming thing.

You don't sound bitter in your letter and there is no resentment. This should make her rethink how mature you are. Good luck!

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I agree wow, great letter, send it...i did write a letter to my ex too after we broke up and i m not sorry i did...it s hard to say certain things during the breaking up incident, too emotional....and i wanted to tell him that even if this is the end of the road, you will always be special to me and there are no hard feelings in my heart where you are concerned...i told him i won t stop caring or loving u anytime soon but i want u to be happy, maybe in time something will happen between us again, maybe u will find that happiness with someone else, but still there will always be a place in my heart for u, even if i can only have u as a friend...i think your ex is very lucky to receive a letter like that

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Thank you all very much for your wonderful replies. I am not sure what I am going to do with the letter at this point. I've posted this message accross several forums, this forum suggesting I do send the letter, the other suggesting I do not. The ones suggesting to not send the letter have valid points but I don't know yet, not meaning to discredit your posts. But I would like to refer you guys to a companion post that I just made:


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This is a summarized autobiography, I think my issues run a lot deeper than Joni.

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