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Finding out if a girl is single or not...

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I am attracted to this girl, and lately she has been talking quite a bit to me. I am not really that shy, I don't present myself to a girl, I will talk if they come up to me and I don't get red or anything, however she just started talking to me and waving to me and she never used to. The thing is, before I ask her out, I need to know if she is single or not How would I go about finding this out...I don't really want to confront her on it, because then I will look like a friggin' retard if she is with someone. I would ask her friends but they would just tell her, which wouldn't be bad if she was single, but if she was taken then that would suck, because then her boyfriend would be pissed at me, and that wouldn't be good. So yeah, how do I go about finding this out?

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You could refer to her boyfriend in a sentence. Like, "What does your boyfriend think of that?" If she does not have a boyfriend she will tell you she doesn't, but if she does have a boyfriend she will answer the question and it is a harmless question so no one should be offended. If she says she doesn't have a boyfriend then you could make a comment like, "How does such a (pretty, nice, intelligent, or something to that effect) girl like you not have a boyfriend?" It not only compliments her but if she is at all intelligent she will know you were trying to find out if she had a boyfriend or not; thus, letting her know you are interested. Try it and good luck!

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Next time you talk to her, ask her nonchalantly "so what do you do for fun?", in which case, I think she will include "hanging out with my b/f" if she has a b/f. If nothing in her response sounds like she has a b/f, then its a good bet she doesn't have a b/f (unless she's on the verge of breaking up or something - in which case, you might want to stay clear for a while until she figures things out). If its the latter, then you might want to follow it up with a "would you like to go for coffee sometime?" - or whatever you had in mind when you ask her out.


If that doesn't work, Daisy's advise is pretty slick too.


Good luck!

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Here are a 2 good questions to ask.


1) What did you do on the weekend? and with who?

2) Got any travelling plans, and with who?


Of course you'll have to ease your way to question #2. In some cases, you may not even figure it out but those are good questions.


(only ask with who if its not overly aggressive)



Good Luck!

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this is what i did with my g/f. i asked her if she was doing anything one weekend, and she said no. i said, "wanna go out?" to which she replied yes, and i told her we would just go as friends. she DID have a boyfriend which i didnt know about, but we had a great time anyway. later, she broke up with him, and she realized i cared for her, and we started dating more. i really wasnt interested in dating her when she had a b/f, i just wanted to hang out with her because she was cool, but now we are dating. anyway, good luck finding out.

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