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Trying to decide whether to keep memories from marriage

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Hi there, its been a while since I posted here and after only 6 short months I'm about to be divorced.

We have just one piece of unfinished business to take care of, my ex has all of our wedding photos and wants to get get together and divide them up, but based on the way everything ended(she cheated on me) I'm not sure if I want any of them.

So my question is.... Right now I don't want them, but if theres anyone out there , and i'm sure there is, thats been in this situation, down the road were you glad that you had them to look back on?

I know its not a big problem, I'm just wondering what others have done and thought about it later.




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I haven't been in your situation but I have torn apart things from my past that I regret a lot even still. I would say take what you want of them, put them in a box and don't look at them for a year or two. That way you'll have them, you won't be constantly reminded of her but at the same time you will have your memories to look back on someday. Think of it this way, if she were gone and you had no pictures of her wouldn't you feel a lot worse then if you had taken a few and put them in a box?

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yeah allan i feel for you buddy - i am in the same boat. i think as much as i dont want them now i will regret it if i dont keep some. it will be hard but what is it gonna hurt you to take a few photos? you dont have to look at them unless you want to.

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Keep it Allan.. You will regret it if you don't. It is part of your life and you shouldn't forget it.


I destroyed all the pictures from one of my previous relationships, we weren't married, but I too this day regret it. I am currently going through a divorce now, and I am keeping everything I can. It reminds me of the good times as well as the bad. And it is all important!!


Good luck!!

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Keep the photos. Store them away in a safe deposit box or seal them up and put them in an attic or the basement. In a year or two when you've healed, you may feel up to looking at them again and remembering some of the happier times.



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