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Ex just admitted to having feelings for someone else..

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So yesterday I officially broke up with my ex. The distance was too much and it just wasn't gonna work. We weren't back together, but we were working on things.


While I was at his house a few days ago, I suspected something was going on with him and one of our friends. He was talking to her more, looking at her Facebook profile 100 times a day, etc. I asked him what was going on, he said nothing. I took his word for it, but knew in my heart there was more.


Today he called me and said I deserved to know the truth, and that this was really hard for him to admit because I was right. He said he was developing feelings for her. She has a boyfriend, and he told her but nothing will ever happen because she is taken. He says he doesn't know where the feelings came from, they just sprung up out of nowhere. Even though I KNEW it, I was so taken aback.. I just cried. I didn't know what to say. He just kept asking me to forgive him and that I was so special to him. He said he'd come down on Sunday so we can talk more. I said that wouldn't be necessary, and I told him I had to go.


I'm so broken. Did I really mean that little to him? That he could just have feelings for some other girl? We slept in the same god da*n bed together while he was thinking of another girl!!!!!!! I feel beyond sick that he would lie to me, and that he could just do this to me.


So many thoughts are running through my head. I'm almost positive I don't ever want to speak to or see him again. I know for a fact things will never be the same between us. I still love him so much.. but this is unforgiveable.



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I know the feeling. It is honestly the worst feeling in the world! It is CRAZY how much I loved my ex and the idea of him wanting to be with someone else just broke my heart into a million different pieces. Just know that you deserve to be with someone who loves you and would never think of loving anyone else. Just take it one day at a time. It is going to hurt but every day it will get better.

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