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Need urgent money or temporary job


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Basically, I need to find around $3500 within the next 3 weeks to repay a huge debt that I had caused... (specifically, I financed my entire education through scholarships, but performed very badly last year and so must pay tuition fees by myself)


I am currently in a position in which I prefer not to ask my relatives or friends, but I would do any temporary job.


I am skilled in several freelance areas (web design, translation etc.) and have huge experience in event/desk experience, but am a regular university student in social sciences, so I have never pursued any of the above skills professionally, have no immediate professional contacts and so I don't know where I could find immediate paid work.


I would appreciate any advice on how I could find the necessary money urgently, possibly using my skills, but also other alternatives...

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thats alot.... sell everything you own, and get a job and maybe you could get it. But over 1,000 dollars a week is like 30 dollars an hour man. Thats finding a job that makes 54,000 a year (higher than the US average.) that ontop of that is temporary. If you live in a metro area, find some temp agencies and work 100 hours a week maybe you can make it.

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I can't get student loans since I would need to show that I performed well with my grades - which I didn't last year.


I could earn $500 or even more per website if only I found someone who needed one.


What I am unsure about is whether I should invest time in looking for clients or do something more traditional like bartender or so. In both cases I would be unable to do spend time doing the other.

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Maybe you should have performed well in school?



Well, there is that..but there is nothing he can do about it now..what's done is done and he needs to figure out a way to fix this. There is no easy answer because even highly qualified people are not getting jobs right now. You just have to pound the pavement looking for work. Will you still be in school next semester..are you on probation at school?

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The answer is easy. Drop out, get a job, save the money, finish in an extra year or two and learn a HUGE lesson on applying yourself to school rather then be distracted by unimportant things. It happens every day. It took me eight years to complte my degree since I was too poor pay, family included, and I was too rich to qualify for grants or financial aid due to my job's yearly income. All I can say is where there's a will there's a way. Oh! By the way, now I'm on a four year part time plan in law school and I took this year off to concentrate on by business.

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Have you tried calling whoever gave you the scholarship/talked to your financial aid adviser? Usually after a bad quarter you are put on "academic probation" instead of simply losing everything. First, see if there is a way you can be put on probation before they simply take everything from you.


Put ads up around campus, craigslist, where-ever advertising your free lance skills.


Then apply for every single job you can think of. If you think you have the personality for it, you might be able to make a few hundred dollars a night bar-tending....if you're good at it. Otherwise, try to work as much as you can at whatever two or three jobs you can. (I'm assuming you are on winter break and can afford to work full-time).


I also think you should suck it up and talk to your family about your debt. Not to discourage you, but I highly doubt you will make $3,500 in three weeks and you will probably need their help.


You may need to take some time off school and earn some money to pay your debt. Make an appointment with your financial adviser and your academic adviser, so you have a plan for A) how to pay for school and B) what to do if you need to take a quarter/ year off, how this will affect your plans to graduate.


Good luck.

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Ever watched the show called Pawn Star? I'm sure you got something that is valuable to pawn off.



Oy, say it ain't so! There is now a reality show about people in dire straits who have to pawn their stuff...or is this about stars who are pawning their stuff...kind of like Dancing With the Stars but it takes place in a pawn shop???

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Well, 3 weeks will be an emergency money.

You can take loan on link removed and link removed

They are reliable peer-to-peer loan website.

But I think it will take more than 3 weeks to fund your loans from those website.

One more way is that you can use your credit card when you waiting for those loan.

Don't just drop out because of 3.5k

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I normally achieve very high grades, and what I study is my passion. I just had a bad period in my life that I could not prioritize and focus on my studies. The reasons are entirely personal (relationships, etc.) so I don't think they are plausible "excuses", so I don't know how to proove my creditworthiness.


I just need to "reactivate" myself.

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