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I have been in a situation alot. My "flirt radar" is in a constant state of malfunction. I can never tell if a girl likes me or not. I just wish they would ask me out. I've been trying to get over my ex or doing the trying to get her back thing but I would love to go out on some dates with other people but I just would love to have a girl ask me out. Women help me out here.

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Well, think about it this way: you don't ask out THEM.....why not? Shyness? Insecurity? That's the same reason they don't ask you out. Not to mention that, sad to say, it's still considered the "man's job" to ask out the girl in a lot of women's minds!



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Hi there,

I used to really like this guy and asked him out several times, although he always had excuses, i gave up because i knew he was not interested, yeah it hurts abit when u get rejected but u get over it... oh by the way, he now asks me out and i reject him!! why? because im so over him now! He had his chance!! but now im in a beautiful relationship with a guy that adores and loves me to death!! He treats me like a real princess!!

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I think it's a stereotypical thing. It's almost like girls are people who get away with everything whilst guys go chasing around after them and it's like they want all the attention or something coz yea they sure don't go around asking guys out as much as guys as girls out, that's got a lot to say about things.



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lol I better clarify myself before I get slammed and this disccusion gets heated.


It's a stereotypical thing, that's what a lotta guys are meant to believe in a way that we gotta do everything for the girl - no hitting her, paying for her all the time, taking care of her etc etc get what I mean? They're all powerful and they get away with a lot of things - that's the impression we get.


There's going to be a lot of girls who won't be like that and there'll be a lot who'll be in denail coz they think it's a bad thing but it's not too bad at all, if I was a girl, I'd make use of it as well but I'm not so there's other things we can do that girl's can't and we'll make use of that instead. It's all fair.



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