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Gf just told me she cheated last weekend. I'm in terrible pain and don't know what to do


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Thanks guys...some really good insight.


I really want to give her another chance but I don't know how I'm going to be able to trust her again. She already agreed that she will never go for a night out in the city again unless I am with her. I think that's a big positive. I'm still not sure how this is going to play out. I think she might come over tonight so we can talk in person. We have been on and off the phone all day talking.



If she's agreed to never go to bar again unless you're with her, and given the fact that she just turned 21, then she knows she screwed up and is at least willing to make repairs. Those are some pretty harsh terms to set herself unless she really meant them.


I'd give her another chance, but with the knowledge that she's on a "one strike basis".


As for the vacation, if it were me, I wouldn't go. It just seems too soon after something like this happened. It's one thing to forgive her and move on, but quite another when it involves vacationing to another country.

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I clicked on some ad for a sex dating site and filled in some info...I was just bored and curious. It was nothing serious. Anyway...I forgot to close the tab and she found it in the morning.



Um, yeah I don't think I would believe that for one second.


"Curious" about what? what other women are out there apparently.


this relationship is going down the drain fast due to both of you being shady and unable to communicate with each other.

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We haven't heard enough detail about OP's supposed cheating early on to conclude anything. Were they exclusive at the time? What was the cheating? a kiss or several instances of full on sex?


Him calling it cheating means that the relationship was exclusive and it matters little what the act was, the lying and betrayal of trust is the real damage done by cheating, not whether it was sex or kissing.


That being said, both of them have a lot of work to do if they wish to keep the relationship.

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