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I love her! advice appreciated.

Cheeky Charmer

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Hi All,


I'm normally a confident, outgoing kind of guy. I consider myself quite charming and in the past, without wanting to sound arrogant, I've not had too many problems attracting girls.


However, I don't know if it's my age, or if I'm finally maturing, but there's someone special who I met this year and I can't get her out of my head.


Back in March and April, we were very close, you could call it dating. We used to do all sorts of things together and we were growing attracted to each other.


However, suddenly she ended it. This really hurt me. I can't quite describe how much but it was almost in a way I hadn't been hurt before. To highlight this I behaved out of character and said a few things which I've very much regretted since. Words I never really meant. This affected our relationship for months after.


Now we're talking again having put our differences aside. I told her how hurt I felt and everything is patched up. Now we're joking about, larking around like we used to do. Whenever we're on facebook she always initiates the conversation. Last night we went to the cinema together.. It was awful, I realised how much I still liked her. It was painful not being able to reach out to hold her. I know that sounds very corny but that's how it was. She was so beautiful. It's like a feeling I've not had before.


Anyway, at present we're friends, but I don't think we're made for being friends. I'm not satisfied with just this because if she was to start dating someone else it would hurt me so much. I genuinely think about her all the time. If I say something and the friendship can't continue so be it.


I just need to know if you guys think I'm doing the right thing and secondly how do I express myself. I'd be interested to hear from anyone who's been in a similar position.


Thanks for reading.

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I was in a similiar situation in a way. I was friends with this guy but I also secretly wished for more. Everyone knew we liked each other but neither one of us actually brought it upin person. This went on for about a year or two. Because neither of us said anythiing in all that time we did the whole i'll make you crack by dating someone else thing. We were both too stubbern to approach our feelings so as we graduated from school all I have to reminds mysef of his secretive feelings is a kiss he gave me before leaving the school. My situation is not exactly like your story but I hope that by reading this you were able to see that sometimes it is best to just come out and say how you are feeling because you never know when it is too late. You never know, your friend could very well be feeling the same way I felt.

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  • 3 weeks later...

just ask her out. find out if she feels sparks for you. if she does, why not be together??


if she says no, request some space from her for a while until you sort out your feelings.


it's never good to continue "friendships" with people you're super interested in. i've learned this the hard way more than once.

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