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Uh oh.............Dancing

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Well, I've got a little bit of a problem here. My girlfriend and I are going to a dance Next week. Its a pretty fromal one too, a military ball (Jr. ROTC).

Well, to be blunt, I can't dance. Lol. I went last year, with a different date, and that's when I learned the hard way. I dont know, my body just doesnt want to go with the rythm. There wont be much touch dancing, except for the slow dancing. I can get that down. It's just the party music that I can't dance to. It wont be grinding. So, mostly "conservative freestyling".


Is there anyone out there that can help me? Lol, I really dont want to make a fool of myself. Especially to my first girlfriend. She really puts a lot of effort into this event. I want to make her night so special. And MOST of that will be having fun dancing with me.


Thanks for any tips....

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Everyone has things they aren't great at. Mine is bowling - I'm terrible! I think if you laugh about it and be open and honest, it won't be so bad. I would suggest that you tell your girlfriend that you're not a great dancer before the event. Don't make out like you're terrified and it's a huge problem for you - that's likely to spoil her evening. Just laugh about it and say 'I hope you don't mind that I'm a crappy dancer'. Tell her you're a little nervous, and even ask her to show you a few moves! She'll probably get a kick out of that (I would if I were her!)


Trust me, when you treat it lightly and laugh about it with her, it'll end up being one of the little quirks she loves about you. If you don't talk about it, clam up and act self-consciously, it could become a problem. Good luck!!!

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Looks like you got yourself in a bit of a jam. I can't really show you how to dance over the internet But, I used to feel the same way and never danced. then one day i tried it and had a ton of fun. free style dancing is now my favorite. The trick is, never think anyone is watching because usually they aren't, at least not for long. If you really can't dance but you give it your best, laugh at yourself and keep on going, she will appreciate that. If alcohol is allowed at all you might try having a drink of two first to loosen up Also, go straight to the middle of the dance floor because that is where you will be seen the least. Shy people always seen to hang off to the side, but that is where everyone really can see you. You should watch movies like Footloose, Greese, or another music/dance of your choice. Then understand that most of the other people can't really dance either. there is usually a couple good ones that steal the show, so watch them a copy some of their moves. Slowly but surely you will get comfortable. I cant promise good, but you will be comfortable and have a ton of fun you never had before. Cheers

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