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I'm a male, 18 years of age.


I have this problem.


I get red cheeks. Okay it doesn't sound serious or anything, but it is really bringing me down.


I think I have always had them, but they have got worse in the last year or so, and that I have only recently really noticed them.


I've never had any problems getting girls or anything, and would consider myself somewhat attractive. But in the last 7-8 months I have noticed that my cheeks get very red.


It's almost like I have been running around none stop for half an hour! That's what it looks like but infact I have been doing absolutely nothing! Sometime it's not so bad, when I am sitting there doing nothing, but if I move around alot, or it is really cold outside, or hot, they get really red and I am just dead conscious about them.


Do girls find red cheeks really unattractive? It seems since I noticed the problem, getting girls has been more of a problem. When I go out clubbing and am in the dark I have no problem, but at school and stuff in the light I am not getting alot of attention.


It's just not fair. I play football, and I have friends who, after 90 mins of running around, look absolutely fine. No colour in their cheeks, and while I am fine with the fact that my cheeks are red after running around, my cheeks look like this (as I have already said) when I am doing no physical activities! I spose it wouldn't be AS bad if I couldn't feel that my cheeks were red, but I can! They burn a little too, like I am actually hot! Even when I am not!


I once read in a magazine there is some kind of operation you can have? Where the nerves that make your cheeks go red can be cut? But it is a very risky and tricky operation.


I've searched on the net for people with similar problems but not found alot. It's really getting me down, and it just makes me really conscious.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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maybe your blood pressure is high?? have u been under a lot of stress? whats your diet like? if u eat a lot of salty foods itll increase your blood pressure & may cause a blushing effect in your cheeks....maybe if your problem persists & is still plagueing you see a doctor or a dermatologist (skin doctor).

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Hey Joe, Heb here.


Well if you don't have problems getting girls then why are u worried about it Joe? lol are you gettin too many Joe, CHICKS MAN - JOE!


o yea, ur cheeks would be red right about now! - busted


No wonder you get attention when you go clubbin, your special cheeks glow and all the girls see your face, in another words, you'd stand out man.


On a side note, I think overall yea, some girls would find your cheeks unattractive but so what? Everyone has unattractive qualities and once someone gets to know you, they'll see through your cheeks and find a great person within you, that's whats most important Joe. Don't change who you are, there are things about me that I'm not happy with but I won't change because its a part of me. You have to hang in there and be proud of yourself Joe, a little red face problem won't change your life in a mind blowing way.


If you're worried about never finding someone then honestly, don't worry. Whoever it is will like you for ur personality because that's what matters most, looks change, people get old, get in accidents etc etc, but the personality will be forever the same and THAT's what makes people love one another more.


If you're still concerned, go see a specialist and seek their guidance.



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this is an asian method ive heard of and used


get a pickle and slice in thinly and place it over the redness


this supposedly cools down the area and makes it lighter


(dont do this if your allergic to pickles)

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Hey there rub a dub dub,


I can completely relate to your problem myself, i suffer from roesy, red, blushing cheeks i have heard it all.


I know it makes you feel uncomfortable at the worst times, however you can turn it into your advantage, how you say , easy!


I instead of shying away, be confident within yourself. Don't let it get you down and if someone makes a comment about the colour of ckeeks turn it around by saying something whitty,



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  • 5 weeks later...

i can understand totally as well, its just got worse n worse as ive got older n older im 19 now n found that even though im not a big headed guy it has destroyed my confidnce n ability to try anything new eg collage, nights out,...ect n i hate it there must b somthing like a OP u can go through with to stop this

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Have you heard of rosacea (I don't know how to spell it)? This is a condition I don't know a lot about, but I know it causes redness on your face, especially on the cheek area. I think the only person who can really help you is a dermatologist.


I also get red cheeks. My skin on my face is pinker than the skin on the rest of my body. . .I think it's weird, but my mom's side of my family is Dutch, and whenever I see them, I notice they all have it too. So, it could be hereditary.


Again, only a dermatologist can answer your questions and be able to help you.

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Hey man, you shouldnt really worry about it. Because guess what?? I HAVE RED CHEEKS TOO! Yeah, sometimes it can be embariseeng, but not all the time really because sometimes, it fades away. Just cheer up man. It also helps to clean your face like once a day or so and that should make the redness go now a little but try not to touch your face alot ora nything or it will just make it redder! Trust me!!!!

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obviously depends hows bad it is for ewach person it might not b that bad for ya , where my cheeks are allways a shade of red its most a case of how red will they be not will they be red today, n just cause others have it not mean its any easyer to deal with or have its emotionaly n physcologically destorying me slowing

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