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Why would he be upset?

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A mutual friend of ours told me that he was seeing someone else. Part of me knew this would be coming so I wasn't overly shocked. A couple of days ago he came by to catch up. I mentioned that I knew that he was with someone else. He was shocked that I knew and wanted to know who told me. There was alot more that went down but no need rehashing it here, the story is in another thread. Well I saw the mutual friend last night, turns out, my ex was upset with her for telling me. I really don't understand why he is upset, if he has moved on wouldn't he just not care if I knew? Why would it be such a secret?

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Sounds like he is really messing with your head here. He is telling you one thing about missing you etc. but hiding the fact he is seeing someone - that is not playing fair...and he needs to lash out at someone to blame instead of himself!


My ex told me himself when he started to see someone new as he didn't want me finding out from other friends first - maybe your ex is upset with your friend for getting in first and making him look callous - but more likely from what you have said, for busting the lines he was feeding you. Makes him look foolish and dents the pride.

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Could be guilt. Perhaps he didn't want you to find out because he didn't want to upset you. I don't think I'd want my gf to know that I was with a new girl. In fact I'd prefer to hear she's a with a new man before I get a new girl - that I can cope with.


Sorry, but having been on the receiving end of the damage that this mentality can do, I think it's a real cop out!

If you've walked away, unless you think you are doing something wrong, there should be little guilt. If you are still in contact with an ex and have any respect for them (and yourself) then honesty is the way to go.

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I totally agree, honesty is the best policy. I told him that I have been going out on dates as well. I just don't understand why it was such a secret. If he has truly moved on and is ready for another relationship what does it matter if I know about it? It just really doesn't make any sense. I just know that he is with her and not me so I am continuing with my healing. I just wanted some outside opinions on this situation. Thanks

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