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Odd question...looking for ideas for empowering songs

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Hi everyone,


I've recently begun counseling to try and get over some old stuff in my life that happened years ago that really, REALLY wrecked my self-esteem for years...childhood abuse, terrible things...and one of the things that was suggested to me is that I listen to songs that are personally empowering. For the life of me, I can't think of any...does anyone have suggestions for songs that in the times when you needed strength they have given you strength and made you feel "empowered" or better about yourself? Any suggestions would be really appreciated...


Take care everyone, and have a great day...

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Actually, I listen to almost any kind of music...not that crazy about country or rap, but I even listen to some of that, if it is done well and the artist has integrity, you know? Make sense? So any suggestions would be really appreciated....



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I love the Indigo Girls for just this reason. They're rock/folk- lotsa guitars, mostly unplugged. They have many great songs, but here are a few that are particularly relevant:


Closer to fine

"...the less I seek my source for some definitive, the closer I am to fine..."


Love will come to you

"...and my words are paper tigers, no match for the predator of pain inside her- I said love will come to you, hoping just because I spoke the words that they're true..."



"...how long til my soul gets it right? can any human being ever reach that kind of light?"



Also, Ani Difranco has some great lyrics- check her out


Take care

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