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How to Recover Rep w/Client After F-Up?

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Okay so I serviced a client last Tuesday and thought the problem was solved. I tested everything from the client side and it was all working.


Today I got an email from the big boss and she said it wasn't fixed...


So I immediately telephoned the site, talked to all the affected workers, and made sure everything was alright (it was). Later on I checked out their setup, went through it with a fine tooth comb, changed a few things (I do believe I overlooked something) and it passed all the tests with flying colors.


I then emailed the client, apologized profusely, and promised that I would be closely monitoring the situation for the next week to ensure it was at final resolution. I also told ALL parties involved that they need to call me if things don't work as expected, even if it's 5 a.m. or midnight, 'cause I need to know if stuff isn't fixed right! Of course I am not charging them for the "refix."


Is there anything else, in your opinion, that I can do to recover with this client? I feel so bad I have been stressed out all day worrying if they're ever going to use me again. I tried to be completely accountable and will follow up accordingly...


Anyhow your feedback is much appreciated, dear eNAers...

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Well, the worker bees were kinda unappreciative, but at least they listened when I explained how it works and what to do if it looks like it's not working.


The boss didn't answer me back on the apology email, but she did heartily thank me for another email (helpful tip I gave her about the industry).


So I think I haven't lost 100% of my currency but I better make sure there are no more omissions or oversights in the future... this is what is really making me nervous...

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You work in software or something? Sounds like you had a rough time. I think you did all you could. If they want you back then they will want you back. Other then that, there's just nothing else you can really do at this point. I know it would be silly of me to say not to worry but I know I worry a lot about the littlest things.

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- read up on marketing communications

- read up on personal sales

- forget it and move on. the above two points would help you in averting this from happening in the future.

- also, discuss this with your line manager, and say you're willing to improve and move on. ask if s/he knows of personal sales techniques workshops going in your area.


the key is i doubt there are many personal sales people who never mess up, or dissuade a client. the key is not to let one setback throw you, and mess up your future job performance. your manager would also respect your ability to be positive after a setback.

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