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where do you girls like it best?

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All right... first of all, every girl is different. But personally.... I like anything on the waist or upper thigh (like inner thigh). I don't like it when guys touch my breasts when I don't really know them well and trust them (aka not the first time). I just feel used somehow and like I'm being groped. Not sure why. Anyway, I do like it however when guys touch my butt... Stroking/touching gently is wonderful. But don't touch reluctantly. Girls can tell when guys are unsure about themselves and it makes us uncomfortable too. Also, kissing... kissing doesn't have to be reserved for just lips (although that is wonderful too). I love it when a guy kisses me on the neck (no hickies please!) or on the ear (althought this is sorta a personal preference too, but most girls I know like it too). Kisses anywhere are nice and sweet and intimate. And as far as down there... be gentle! You don't want a girl to be rough with your equipment, so don't be rough with hers. Fingering... you want to have enough pressure so she can feel it... but don't overdo it.

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Neck region or ear. It doesn't have to be with your tongue. You can tickle a girl, by using your chin and rubbing it around her neck area. You can also blow against her back, ear, and neck. I always loved it when my ex's kissed me around my neck and back! It always tickled. Get to know where she's most sensitive at, so that you know exactly where to hit the spot. Mahlina

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I like it when my ex used to just rub my inner thigh. Then we would start making out, it was so sensual. We would be laying there rubbing each other. He would sort of stroke my bum, and thighs. I would stroke his chest, back, and stomach.. When he would suck on my belly ring it was great.

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Well, Of course every girl has different soft spots. But, I know I love when guys kiss my neck. Hands that travel are a huge turn on for me when the making out is intense. Grabbing of the a$$ is also a huge turn on for me. It depends on the girl's mood. If she's all sweet and innocent, the neck and soft stroaking is teh way to go, if shes "naughty" , do what i said hehe

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