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My g/f broke up with my last sunday saying that we need to work on being friends and that she didn't want me totally out of her life. She basically said she didn't want to be tied down to anyone right now and that she's still in her partying stage (she drinks and smokes a lot and has major money problems).

We were only together for like 2 months and the first month was amazing. And then she started acting distant and like she didn't want me around much. But she wouldn't talk to me about anything or tell me what was wrong. So she finally ended it and now I'm over the break-up. But I still want her back.

Well, this past weekend she called me to come and get her a few things of hers and she asked if she could use my computer and while she was there my friend Brandi showed up. And then she sat for a while and then said she had to go and just left, i dunno if she got jealous or not. Then i went over there the next day and she was at the pool and i stayed a few minutes but had to leave and so some stuff. But I told her if she wanted to hang out later to call me. *she acted like she didnt want me to leave*... Then later she just showed up at my house and i took her out to eat and then we took a walk and she acted like she used to when she was around me when she first liked me. And then she stayed the night with me. And she told me that she was sorry if she was ever mean to me.

Anyone have any advice on what this might mean? Or if she might be wanting me back but is embarrassed to say anything about it? Or is she just at the point of her life where she doesn't want committment? I'm just all confused right now. There are other girls that like me and I don't want to get anything else started if there is any chance of getting back with her.

Thank you for any responses..

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My g/f broke up with my last sunday saying that we need to work on being friends and that she didn't want me totally out of her life


Yeah that sounds like typical woman talk. Women do that to relieve their guilt over the breakup. In some sick way they think if you remain friends and are ok with that then it validates her reason for the breakup. But what it really comes accross as is, "i still want you around for fun and emotional support...but i want to sex other guys".


If I were you I would just forget about this stuff and move on. She dumped you, so subtlety and mind games are a luxury she no longer deserves. I'm not trying to be mean or anything, I just wouldn't want you to pass up an new opportunity for an opportunity with question marks. Or perhaps its because she dumped you that u r still fawning over her? I would say to just carry on with your life, not make her a priority, and see what else is out there and what happens.

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BZBorow - please. Women do not have the market cornered on that tactic at all. Men do it just as much. Let's just say, some people when they break up with you, that's their strategy. I know, I just had it done to me. It sucks. But it's not a gender thing, it's a passive, people who are jerks break-up thing!

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