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Does he actually care for/ love me?

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Well ok here we go this is my story. I like this guy lets just call him B. Well I have liked B since last year, well I figured out this year that he had a crush on me too, well he had a girlfriend at the time.Well then his gf broke up with him but he wasn't ready for a relationship again yet. Well he's a big flirt so when I saw him w/ this girl T I knew he wanted to go out w/ her, and me being a pessimist I just didn't try to fight for him cuz I didn't really believe he liked me, I backed off. Well he asked her out and now they are dating , well he told me the reason is asked her out is cuz he has been friends with her for a long time and I seemed distant to him. Well me and him were talking on the comp. one day and he told me he is in love with me , well I love him too.But here is the problem he is still w/ his gf, he says they have problems but they are always all over each other, I don't know what to do, he still says he loves me but I don't know what to believe please help me! PS this girl doesn't like the way he dresses or his friends she just keeps trying to change him. They also always fight

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This guy or "B" sounds like a very confused guy, because when he broke up wit his frist g/f he had a crush on you but went out with a nother girl......if he knew this girl for a long time wouldnt he know that she dosent like the way he dresses or his friends? So wouldnt he know that they where gonna have problems and that their relationship wouldnt last long? you should tell him to be honest and if he likes you then match his words with his actions, im sure you dont like the games he is playing, do you? i dont think he loves you and i dont think you love him you might like him alot even so much to where it feels like its love but trust me its not. you have to actually be in or have been a relationship thats serious to be in love, but if you are serious about this guy then talk to him about your feelings dont let him push you around, and dont get in to a mess that you cant get out of like having sex at a young age, be carefull and good luck! hope i hepled.....

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It sounds like he wants to use you as a "back-up plan". He subconsciously likes how she doesn't like his clothes and apparel. He'll fall for her most likely. Talk to him bluntly, don't hold back. but don't get crazy on him or cry ( that will be a turn-off ). Hope i helped a little.

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  • 2 months later...

Bad news: I agree with the person who said he was using you as a back door plan.


Good news: It appears to me what he has with T is lust. unfortunately is it fueled each time they fight, it may be foreplay. But, here is the good part, he will eventually get tired of fighting with her. What you need to do is stand by, not give any advice unless it is asked for, and be there when he needs to talk, make sure you always look your best, and he will eventually realize this and realize you are the one he should be with.

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