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I'm a guy that goes to high school and i'm shy i guess well around girls. There is this girl that i've know for around a year and i like her but noo one knows, but now i found out by her frenids that she likes me. This may sound easy but the thing is that i get really shy around her and don't talk at all just around her. Even though i used to be like best frenids with her a year ago. See also i haven't talked to her in like a year in person only on msn have i talked to her. i'm just not sure how to tell her or her frenids that i like her. How is the best way to tell her?

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Its good that you two started as friends, and became best friends. However, something probably happened so now you just talk on MSN. Do you have her number? If not, maybe you could ask her on MSN. Be like "So, whats your number so we can chat on the phone?" If you have it already, just call and ask her if she'd to meet up with you. You should feel comfortable talking to her since you said that she's the only person you can talk to. Ask her to do something that you guys use to do often like going to the movies or the bowling ally or whatever you guys did. Tell her 'lets do it for old times sakes' and she'll buy it, hopefully, and you can just be with her. Don't make your move immediately, perhaps re-kindle the flame by going to her house and doing more stuff together. Eventually, you guys would have spent enough time together then you can ask for a date. After that, you will know more about her and then you can start going out. It would be a good idea to give her complaments like your hair looks nice, then everytime you see her you can tell her deeper stuff like 'I like the way you smile' or whatever. Also, give her hints like good eye contact and playful poking and touching.

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Another thing to remember for when you're talking to her is: she likes you. You can have control of this situation since she doesn't know you like her, so you can take advantage of the fact that she likes you.


(sigh)...If only I knew if the girl I like liked me or not...

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