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i saw this on link removed. all woman wants a sensitive jerk who is cocky and funny. as a sensitive jerk, how should i see if it's time to show care and concern? and well, i don't understand being cocky as most of the time, i may unknowingly insult her more or less. plz help, thx in advance

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no a girl doesnt want a gus to be cocky, well at least i dont. most girls want different things in a guy, just be yourself and if you insult her without reaslising and she takes affence then appologise and say that you didnt mean to hurt her. if you want to know whether it is time, just be it, but if you dont want to show your softer side then, have an underline of softness, only show it when you need to


~LJ =;

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To give you my honest answer, I've read some stuff that they have on link removed, like on how they approach women, in terms of dating, and some of the stuff just seems so bogus! I agree with some of the things that they say though. Sometimes, it's interesting to see how the oppostie sex views women, but sometimes, it just seems like their advice is just from a different dimension! It's interesting to see where they come up with these theories! If I were you, just be yourself like Just_Smile says. She's right! I think that a lot of the times, people become so 'techinical' about the whole 'dating process' that it seems to end up hurting the relationship in the end, mroe so than 'helping' it. Dating doesn't have to be that complicated. Just be yourself! Let things flow naturally, then things will fall into place. It's not about behaving a certain way, and saying certain things to a woman. It's about being yourself. Although, I guess what they're saying is, women want confident men. There's a difference between confidence and cockiness!


I think a confident guy to me, is someone who knows what he wants. He's goal oriented. He can be a "man of his own words," and follows his own 'life philosophy.' Not someone who's trying to be someone who he's not. I've run accross a few guys like that. Whenever they talk to me, it sounds like they pulled a page out of a book, by saying lines that show that they're trying to sound like someone who they're not! I give them props for trying ot learn how to be 'confident,' but I usually don't give them the time of day. To me, it looks phony. So my best advice is to 'take pride' in just being you! A guy who can just be himself, is more attractive, than a guy who's trying to 'play by the rules.' If the chick doesn't dig you for who you are, then snap your fingers, and give her the hand =; , cuz she ain't your time!


Hope this Helps!



P.S.- Try not to take read into link removed's advice too much. A lot of the times, when I read what they have to say about 'us' women, it seems as though they're 'trying' too hard to be 'macho.' When in fact, women just want a guy who will just be himself. Someone Original!

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Hi Itensail...good question.


I think Mahlina hit it on the head...speaking for myself, cocky would definitely not be in my "description" of the man I'd want to be with. I've met someone very special recently and he's everything wonderful, but not cocky, thank goodness! Women really don't want anything different than men do...someone "real", someone who won't run at the first hint of challenge, someone who takes the time to get to know us, listens without being judgemental, and makes your heart happy. I agree with Mahlina, I find one of the most sexy traits a man has is his confidence, the way he carries himself and the fact that he is not afraid to show his sensitive side. Both men and women who are sensitive will think twice about their actions beforehand to prevent hurting the other. It's most important to be yourself, the real you will come out eventually and that's the person she should be attracted to to begin with, otherwise it will appear that you've changed all of a sudden.


Good luck



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i agree with everyone. i do not date cocky men. I've dated men who were good looking, charismatic, intelligent, well-liked and were really interested in me. they were very cocky and i could not deal with this. Confidence is sexy. cockiness is a turn-off.


Confidence is when you are happy with yourself.

Cockiness is when a guy thinks he's everything and thinks he can get any girl. Turn off.


I like a mixture of modesty and confidence. I don't like men who brag about anything, be it cars, money. Yeah, that's great, but if those are the only qualities you have, you are making up for something else. Cockiness is an insecurity- big time.

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i saw this on link removed. all woman wants a sensitive jerk who is cocky and funny. as a sensitive jerk, how should i see if it's time to show care and concern? and well, i don't understand being cocky as most of the time, i may unknowingly insult her more or less. plz help, thx in advance


Coming from a guy here ... I think confidence is the key factor, and how one displays that confidence. I also think there is nothing wrong with stating that ur confident, just act it, and don't beat the subject too death. Some people are just not naturally confident, but it is a skill, that can be improved with practice ... as a side note, look at all the musicians who admit of having stage fright when first starting out ... that all stems from lack of confidence ... and now they just strut out on stage, and blow people away, same deal. Being yourself is one thing, but caving into a woman's pressure (i.e. challenge idea) too quickly scares them off, even if they don't admit it ...) ...


The whole jerk thing stems from these guys displaying a false degree of confidence, and usually does not last ... typically they get all the girls, but can't keep them, because deep down, they are immature, small minded perverts ... but this works on chicks with poor self image, because they believe that if a guy mauls her in public, he loves her, when in realities he is totally disrespecting her person ...



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