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How do you get a girl friend!!!

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I have tried everything.I have lots of girls that are friends,but no GF.Im very curtious(open doors,stand when they walk in the room,the whole shot.) and still no luck.I go to the mall in hoping to see singles,because normally if you are in the mall without a guy your single(at least around here).Hell i even got a girl but it ended when she found out my age.


at best buy their was a hot girl and i went to talk to her.She gave me the usuall can I help you routieen and then i said "yeah,i can't seem to find your number anywhere"(note i did this as a joke and had no intensions)But it worked till i found she was 20 and im 16.


anyways can someone give me tips on how to get a girl.I was thinking of asking one of my Friends thats a girl,whats wrong with me. Thanks for listening.

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First of all, nice line, thats a classic. And for getting a girlfriend, don't try sooo hard. Just enjoy your time here, and the time will pass faster. If you just enjoy yourself someone will take intrest eventually. Don't be too hasty to run into a relationship.


Just keep up your up your attitude.

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hey joedown!

yeah i agree with white ice bout the line...cracked me up...and also what white ice said bout being too keen to get into relationship....just relax...and stop paying so much attention to it....i heard a sayin ....


Happiness is like a butterfly the more you chase it the more it eludes you....the moment you turn your attention elsewhere....it comes and rests lightly on your shoulder....


my sister is an excellent example....

she is sexy...fun...cute...down to earth....all that..and she was down for ages saying whats wrong with me ...guys dont want me....or the wrong ones do....and she didnt have a nice guy for sooooo long...i said to her you wait......this break is prob for a reason...the next guy you meet will prob come outta no where and sweep you off ya feet and marry ya!

she was down for ages...and then stopped focusing on it...or more so gave up...and then meets this guy who is so awesome....they were only together for few weeks when he wanted to pay to take her with him overseas....to ireland(her fav place) and she said they are so in love....he is a champion! she is overseas for a year now...helpin him doing gardening at a millionaires place gettin served by butlers....and she has said that they are thinking of gettin engaged when they get bak!!!!!!!

so yeah.....you sound like a real gentleman who respects woman....

i dont think anything is wrong with you...its just taking some time....and allow it too....you could be too focused on gettin a girl and missing the one round the corner waiting for ya!

i also know in the group of guys i hangout with..there is one guy who is so hot...real spunk...and quiet and nice...funny....but really shy...and i have never seen him with anyone....i cant understand why he hasnt got em hanging off him....

anyhoo...hope i have helped ya somewhat....keep ya chin up and just get out there be yaself and have fun....she may just drop in your lap!

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I think you should try to be yourself opening doors etc is cleary outdated as women are getting more assertive now and a significant portion will be offended.It should come naturally not either one going all out to attract the other coz the girl might feel intimidated if you do too much

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ok dude well 1st off the pick up line joke its a bit of a gamble because some girls may not know your joking and find it cheesy, next approach girls and be yourself like ok so u meet at the mall if you walk past them say id love that girls number so she can hear you if she looks back and smile say excuse me can i have your number, another tactic is when your in the shop try talk about what there buying eg if there looking at clothes say that look really goood on you, try it on and show me if she does it say wow it shows how beautiful you are then talk a bit more and ask her out to lunch or for her number or watever hope it helps good luck dude

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What he said about not opening doors or whatever, do it, most women, the ones that arent bitches anyway, find it kind and sweet. Just like most guys still pay for dinner on dates and stuff like that. Its traditional, yes, but rarely frowned upon.

Second, as everybody else mentioned, relax and be yourself. The more fun you have, the more fun they have. If youre stressin about being with someone, people notice, and its unattractive. Just be you.

My last piece of advice is, if you like someone and you think youve got any shot at all, DONT WAIT. Theres always the chance of rejection, and yeah that stings for a little while, but youve got to take the chance eventually. Better sooner than later. Just ask them if theyd wanna hang out sometime with you, grab lunch or something. Nothing serious, but make sure they know youre interested in being more than friends. Good luck.

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I gave this advice before...and I am seroius. It sucks, but it is SOOOO true. Think about it though. Out of all the relationships you may have in your life, usually only one partner is a lifetime partner. Nowadays maybe two or three. But your friends will last a lot longer than your relationships. Being a girls friend is the best way to get a girl. You should spend this time learning as much as you can from the girls that are your friends now. They should give you all sorts of pointers. Not a lot of men take that opportunity you have and run with it - it will be the best thing you ever do and when that girl that is right for you comes along - you will already be prepared and be ready to knock her off her feet. PLUS, I used to tell my guy best friend much more than I ever told my boyfriend anyway because I knew he would be around much longer and he knew me better. Needless to say, I am now married to him.

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