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It feels like all i dont have anyone on my side


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Lately it feels like i have no one, my defenses are weak, and i am just feeling so alone. My friends or old friends never call me. They dont call me and ask how things are going, never. I am always the one who intiates contact. I need new friends a new circle of trust. Real deep meaniful friendships. At times i have felt that they were jealous of me, but i stuck around these people unknowingly being taken advantage of.


I was blind........Also it seems like when one person in your life turns there back or abandons you, the entire world does, causes nnow my roomates are being a real pain in the butt, and it seems like its me alone in the world. I neeed someone with a kind heart


To be truthful and fair i have some dislikes about my friends too, and dont reach out to them anymore either

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i feel you, like when one goes they all go, my friends have been like yours have been lately. seriously find new friends. i did and i feel so much better about myself and your doing better than me, my question dosn't have one view on here, rejected by ENA thats one for the trophy cabinet. do you mean like stuff they do or say annoys you, because that's how i feel with my older friends, and you feel you can't get along with them and it's all well...why bother.

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Yes just the stuff they do and say......the type of people they are annoys me. I used to be a big drinker and partyer.....but have since gotten out of that lifestyle, so i can finally see the world around me with clear eyes and realize that i really didnt have anything in common with those people. I do want new friends......not just to fill the void, but to finally have relationships with people who mean somehting to me and have similar interests

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haha, i really dont want alot of shallow relationships with people......what i want is deep meaniful, memorable relationships. I want to remember these people all my life. I think people are so deep and complicated or just interesting therefore you can only really truly get to know a few deeply in a life time. They would be like chapters in a novel

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