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does she like me or not?


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Ok, so I'll try to summarize this story


There is this girl I kind of liked but didn't really know much about her. Shes a friend of a cousin. So my cousin told her that I thought she was cute and we started talking. It seems like things have been going really well but it turns out she told my cousin that shes not interesting in having a boyfriend right now.


Now shes told my cousin but she never seems to tell me. She knows I like her and yet she continues to talk to me as if she likes me.


I'm not really sure why she told my cousin and not me. Is it because she figured my cousin would tell me so she wouldn't have to?


I asked if she wanted to hang out sometime and she said that sounds like a great idea. She's known from the beginning that I like her so why does she even keep talking to me if shes not interested in me.

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She might have told your cousin and not you because like you said that way she doesn't need to tell you herself.


And it sounds like she does like to spend time with you and hang out and such, but isn't really looking for a boyfriend right now. There have been a few people I like myself that I could have been in a relationship with, but didn't want to at the time.


My advice is to still hang out as friends and see what happens over the next few months and take it from there.



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She's known from the beginning that I like her so why does she even keep talking to me if shes not interested in me.


Sounds like she appreciates you as a friend.


You're a fresh face and a fresh voice. She can't wait to tell stories of herself and listen to your own. It's something that is usually lost between friends that have known each other for a while. And you have it.


Definitely a plus. It's even better that you're supposedly oblivious to the fact that she "doesn't want a boyfriend." You can keep working at it, showing her your interests in her and a relationship, without coming off as pestering her.


I'd say keep doing what you're doing. If all else fails, you'll make a new friend.

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Don't talk about her boyfriend. If she brings him up, tell her.

"Oh, you two much be so cute together, you must be so similar, almost like siblings. He sounds like such a nice guy. I can totally see you married with a house, a big loan, two kids and a dog in five years. Wouldn't that make you content? To be settled for life like that?"

(don't have a sarcastic tone when you say this)

"Now me, I'm not ready to settle down like that. I want to have fun, experience new adventures and life to it's full extent."

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